 Übersetzung für 'La ne period' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   the La Tène period | -
La Tène period
La-Tène-Zeit {f}
La Tène culture
La-Tène-Kultur {f}
la-la land [Am.] [coll.] [dream land]La-La-Land {n} [Traumland]
to be in la-la land [coll.] [fig.]weggetreten sein [ugs.] [fig.]
la-la land [sl.][Spitzname für Los Angeles und Hollywood]
la-la land [sl.][Reich der Märchen und Fantasie]
Early Cycladic period <EC period>
frühkykladische Epoche {f}
Middle Bronze period <MB period>
Mittelbronzezeit {f} <MB-Zeit>
Laos <.la>
Laos {n}
La Bruyère
Heide {n}
La Clouse
Klause {n}
La Pléiade
La Pléiade {f}
La Solidaridad
La Solidaridad {f}
La Niña
La Niña {n} [Klimaanomalie westlich Perus und Equadors]
à la {prep}alla [à la]
à la {prep}à la
Shangri-La {n}
lymphangioma <LA>
Lymphangiom {n}
lanthanum <La>
Lanthan {n} <La>
Laplace number <La>
Laplace-Zahl {f} <La>
shangri-la [fig.]Paradies {n}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • It reached its largest extent during the late La Tène period (late 2nd century BC), when it had a size of 380 hectares.
  • Iron ore extraction and smelting in and around Wetzlar has been documented as early as the Celtic La Tène period.
  • The river's name dates to at least the La Tène period, and it is attested as "Nantaror" "Aare valley" in the Berne zinc tablet.
  • An "oppidum" dating to the La Tène period developed on the high part of the City of Tonnerre. Later, a rural Roman Gaul settlement was built whose boundaries are not well-established.
  • Moreover, there were also findings from the Bronze Age, Hallstatt and La Tène period.

  • The discovery of a brooch near the Schönbodenlacke dating from the La Tène period (around 300 BC) indicates that people were passing over the Timmelsjoch during this period.
  • Prehistoric settlements from the neolithic, eneolithic, Bronze Age, Hallstatt period, La Tène period, Roman periods and the early Slavic period have been found here.
  • The Celts appeared in Transylvania in the La Tène period (c. ...
  • Padlocks have been used in Europe since the middle La Tène period, subsequently spreading to the Roman world and the Przeworsk and Chernyakhov cultures.
  • These include the neolithic stilt houses on the banks of Lake Neuchâtel, the caves of Abri Baume du Four (occupied from the Neolithic to the La Tène period), tumuli of the Hallstatt period in the Vallon de Vers and two Celtic villages at Les Buchilles.

  • Kelheim is the site of a large Iron Age oppidum from the La Tène period, which has been tentatively identified with the Celtic city of Alcimoennis mentioned by Ptolemy in his "Geography".
  • Each university excavates the site as triannual projects which currently depend on the comprehension of the operation of a Celtic city of the La Tène period.
  • Wooden idols from the La Tène period are known from a sanctuary at the source of the Seine in France.
  • The spur was used by the Celts during the La Tène period (which began in the fifth century BC), and is also mentioned by Xenophon ("circa" 430 - 354 BC.) Iron or bronze spurs were also used throughout the Roman Empire.
  • It is therefore common to also talk of the "La Tène period" in the context of those regions even though they were never part of the La Tène culture proper, but connected to its core area via trade.

  • Since the 5th century; B.C. (the Early La Tène period) iron ore mining has been carried out in the Enz region. The visitor mine of Frischglück Pit is an example of an individual mine.
  • The Gaulish tribe in what is present-day Luxembourg during and after the La Tène period was known as the Treveri; they reached the height of prosperity in the 1st century BC.
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