 Übersetzung für 'Lase' von Englisch nach Deutsch
VERB   to lase | lased | lased
lasing | lases
to lase sth.
etw. lasern
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Lase' von Englisch nach Deutsch

to lase sth.
etw. lasernmed.mil.weapons
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • His primary ability is to be able to channel bio-electric energy along his optic nerves, which have been altered to lase the energy into a powerful beam of light.
  • "Ilanga lase Natal" ("The Natal Sun" or "Sun of Natal") is a Zulu language newspaper, published in KwaZulu-Natal.
  • He also wrote letters to and articles for newspapers such as "Ilanga lase Natal" and "Ipepo Lo Hlanga".
  • Church and community buildings ("maneapa") are usually coated with white paint that is known as "lase", which is made by burning a large amount of dead coral with firewood.
  • She cofounded the "Ilanga lase Natal" newspaper, Ohlange Institute and Natal Native Congress (the precursor to the South African Native National Congress) while she was married to John Langalibalele Dube.

  • While most such thin films lase on the axis normal to the film's surface, some will lase on a conic angle around that axis.
  • Microfilm copies of "Ilanga lase Natal" dating from 1903 to 1935 can be found at the African Studies Library at the University of Cape Town [...].
  • The all gas-phase iodine laser (AGIL) mixes gaseous hydrazoic acid with chlorine to produce excited nitrogen chloride, which is then used to cause iodine to lase; this avoids the liquid chemistry requirements of COIL lasers.
  • Injection seeders are devices that direct the output of small "seed" lasers into the cavity of a much larger laser to stabilize the latter's output.
  • Blue laser pointers in specific wavelengths such as 473 nm usually have the same basic construction as DPSS green lasers.

  • The IBAS has direct-view optics (DVO) and the eye-safe laser rangefinder (ELRF).
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