| NOUN1 | a Mac [brand of personal computers] | Macs |
| NOUN2 | a mac | macs |
| SYNO | mac | macintosh | mack | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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- Mac {m} [ugs.] [Macintosh®-Computer] = Mac [coll.] [Macintosh®]
- Betriebssystem {n} Mac = Mac operating system [Apple]
- Big Mac ® {m} [früher: Big Mäc] = Big Mac ®
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- Some features of prototypes developed by MAC, including the MAC-48 submachine gun, MAC 1950 machine carbine and MAC 1955 automatic rifle, were retained in the production of other designers' weapons which were adopted by the French Army.
- For another example, Mac OS X on the PowerPC had the ability to run Mac OS 9 and earlier application software through Classic—but this did not make Mac OS X a binary compatible OS with Mac OS 9.
- Cormac mac Cuilennáin mac Selbach mac Ailgile mac Eochaid mac Colmán mac Dúnchad mac Dub Indrecht mac Furudrán mac Eochaid mac Bressal mac Óengus mac Nad Froich mac Corc.
- The genealogy of Saint Kerrill of Clonkeenkerrill is given as "Caireall mac Curnáin mac Treana mac Fionnchada mac Náir mac Earca mac Tiobraide mac Soghain Salbhuidhe mac Fiacha Araidhe".
- His ancestry was Giolla Íosa Mág Samhradháin son of Giolla na Naomh Mág Samhradháin, the First, son of Muireadhach Mág Samhradhán who was the son of Samhradhán mac Conchobhar mac Fearghal mac Flann mac Aonghus mac Conchobhar mac Tadhg Tir mac Ruarc mac Íomhaor mac Cosgrach mac Dúnghal mac Oireachtach mac Eochaidh (Teallach n-Eachach or Tullyhaw is named after the latter).
- The Clann Birnn's pedigree is "Bern mac Ruadrí mac Murchad mac Máel Dúin mac Áeda Alláin". Their co-relatives are McRory and O'Friel.
- David was the son of Edmond de Búrca, 12th Mac William Íochtar (d.1527).
- Mac Aeda was a descendant of Aedh mac Ruaidri, via his son, Muireadhach mac Aedh, whose descendants took the surname Mac Aedha.
- Maoilin Óg Mac Bruideadha was of Kilkee, in the parish of Dysart, County Clare. He succeeded his father, Maoilin mac Conor mac Diarmait mac John Mac Bruaideadha, as ollamh upon his death in 1582.
- Mo Lua is given in the genealogies as "Mo Lua of Cluain Fada (Cloonfad) or Cluain Fearta (Clonfert) mac Carrthach mac Daighre", or "Mo-Lua mac Carthach mac Fualascach mac Colmán mac Éanda."
- A saint of his name is listed as follows: "Cuana mac Tálain mac Dubhtaigh mac Rosa mac Finnchadha mac Fedhlimidh mac Sodhan Salbhuidhe."
- Kerrill's genealogy is given as "Caireall mac Curnain mac Treana mac Fionnchada mac Nair mac Earca mac Tiobraide mac Sodhain Salbhuidhe mac Fiacha Araidhe."
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