 Übersetzung für 'Maccabi Games' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Maccabi Games
Makkabiade {f} [Makkabi-Spiele]
The Hunger Games [Suzanne Collins] [1st novel in »The Hunger Games« trilogy]
Die Tribute von Panem – Tödliche Spiele [Band 1 der Trilogie]
gamesSpiele {pl}
Partien {pl}
number games
Nummernspiele {pl}
guessing games {pl}
Raterei {f} [ugs.] [Ratespielchen]
mind gamesPsychospielchen {pl} [ugs.]
Pythian Games
Pythische Spiele {pl}
Actium games
aktische Spiele {pl}
card games
Kartenspiele {pl}
word games
Buchstabenspiele {pl}
summer games
Sommerspiele {pl}
kill gamesTötungs­spiele {pl}
medieval gamesMittelalterspiele {pl}
war games
Kriegsspiele {pl}
games console
Spielekonsole {f}
movement gamesBewegungs­spiele {pl}
Panathenaic Games
Panathenäen {pl}
Heraea Games
Heräen {pl}
Olympic Games {pl}
Olympia {n} [Olympische Spiele]
Night Games
Spiel im Morgengrauen [Arthur Schnitzler]
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In 2009, Rosenband was selected to the US National Maccabi team and named captain for the Maccabi Games.
  • He was a three-time New York State high school tennis champion and won a gold medal for the Long Island team at the Junior Maccabi Games.
  • He also played for Team USA with Kyle Altman, winning the gold medal at the 2007 Pan American Maccabi Games in Argentina.
  • In the wake of the club's financial problems, he introduced various strategies to rescue Maccabi from bankruptcy, such as selling tickets for Maccabi games, which had previously been free.
  • She also competed in the Foot Locker Cross Country Championships all four years of her prep career, and competed in both the North American Youth Maccabi Games and the Pan-American Maccabiah while in high school.

  • Louis baseball team for the Maccabi games for a few years and is a member of the Chicagoland Sports Hall of Fame.
  • It also supports the Maccabiah Games in Israel, JCC Maccabi Games, and the Allan Malamud Memorial Scholarship Fund.
  • He represented Canada at the 1997 Maccabiah Games and the 1999 Pan-American Maccabi Games.
  • Baker played in the Maccabi Games in the 11-to-12 age group.
  • In 2015, Stanford represented Team USA as a player/coach at the 13th Pan American Maccabi Games, held in Santiago, Chile.

  • While a high school student, he played for the Philadelphia Jewish Community Center (JCC) team, which won a gold medal at the 2007 JCC Maccabi Games as he scored 33 points in the finals.
  • At the JCC Maccabi Games opening ceremonies at the JCC Rockland in suburban New York, Ankie Spitzer will lead a livestreamed, worldwide minute of silence to honour the 11 Israeli athletes who were killed in the Munich massacre.
  • He won a gold medal with Team USA at the 11th Pan American Maccabi Games in Buenos Aires, Argentina, in 2008.
  • It hosted the World Aquatics Championships in 1978 as well and was a venue of European Maccabi Games 2015.
  • Test, who is Jewish, played for the United States Maccabiah rugby union team at the 2009 Maccabi Games, and was instrumental in helping the squad win the bronze medal beating the Israel national rugby union team at Herzliya Municipal Stadium.

  • The 2012 JCC Maccabi Games were held in Houston, Rockland (New York]) and Memphis.
  • In 2006, Dennis coached an Under 16 Girls soccer team representing Toronto at the JCC Maccabi Games in Richmond, Virginia. The JCC Maccabi Games are the "junior Jewish Olympic Games" .
  • In 2008, playing in Argentina in the 11th Pan American Maccabi Games, he won two gold medals; both in the individual competition, and with the U.S.
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