 Übersetzung für 'Morse sending speed' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Morse sending speed
Morsetempo {n}
sendingEntsendung {f}
sending backRücksendung {f}
sending countryEntsendeland {n}
sending fieldSendefeld {n}
sending countryAbgabeland {n}
sending forherbeirufend
sending bankabsendende Bank {f}
sending away {adj} {pres-p}wegschickend
sending procedure
Sendevorgang {m}
sending ineinschickend
sending backzurückschickend
Morse taper
Morsekonus {m}
Morse lampMorselampe {f}
Morse spaceZwischenraum {m} zwischen Morsezeichen
Morse (code)Morsealphabet {n}
Morse theory
Morsetheorie {f}
Morse telegraphy
Morsetelegraphie {f}
Morse codeMorseschrift {f}
Morse signalMorsezeichen {n}
Inspector Morse
Inspektor Morse, Mordkommission Oxford
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Words per minute, commonly abbreviated wpm (sometimes uppercased WPM), is a measure of words processed in a minute, often used as a measurement of the speed of typing, reading or Morse code sending and receiving.
  • An operator at a radio transmitter would tap on a telegraph key, turning the transmitter on and off, sending pulses of radio waves through the air, and at the receiving station a radio receiver would receive the pulses and make them audible as a sequence of beeps in the earphone, and the receiving operator would translate the Morse code to text and write it down.
  • As an example illustrating switching speeds or timing requirements consider that when sending Morse code at a 20 word per minute rate the typical "dot signal duration" is a mere 50 milliseconds.
  • An operator produced the tape containing the message before sending.
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