 Übersetzung für 'Myths' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   a myth | myths
mythsMythen {pl}
2 Wörter
creation myths
Schöpfungs­mythen {pl}
Nordic myths
nordische Mythen {pl}
Viking mythsWikingermythen {pl} [auch Wikinger-Mythen]
3 Wörter
creation of mythsMythenbildung {f}
cycle of myths
Mythenzyklus {m}
theory of myths
Mythentheorie {f}
4 Wörter
Greek and Roman mythsklassische Sagen {pl} des Altertums
myths of the afterlife
Jenseitsmythen {pl}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
The Entrepreneurial State: Debunking Public vs. Private Sector Myths [Mariana Mazzucato]
Das Kapital des Staates: Eine andere Geschichte von Innovation und Wachstum
10 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The MythBusters revisit several past myths with a special twist. This time, they are exploring several side myths that they had missed while testing the main myths.
  • In contrast to the above Chinese cosmogonic myths about the world and humans originating spontaneously without a creator (e.g., from "refined vital energy" in the "Huainanzi"), two later origin myths for humans involve divinities.
  • Here is a list of suicide myths and the truth behind these myths.
  • Ḫannaḫanna appears in a number of Hittite myths, and tends to help in solving the problems faced by other gods in them.
  • Also included are the Homeric, Orphic and Olympian creation myths, as well as two "philosophical" creation myths.

  • Mari mythology is a collection of myths belonging to the Mari folk heritage.
  • She also wrote "Aryan Sun Myths: The Origin of Religions" (1889), a book on comparative religion and solar myths.
  • Stories based on Greek myths, presented as a collection of myths from many worlds in a Time Lord archive. All stories were written by Richard Dinnick.
  • Mannus, according to the Roman writer Tacitus, was a figure in the creation myths of the Germanic tribes. Tacitus is the only source of these myths.
  • There are myths and symbols connected to traditional festivals, but in modern societies sometimes it is necessary or desirable to invent myths or symbolism with political, religious or other meanings.

  • Iconic brands are successful as they develop powerful identity myths, which are delivered tangibly to make the myth more accessible.
  • Most definitions of "myth" limit myths to stories. Thus, non-narrative elements of religion, such as ritual, are not myths.
  • Kunlun Mountain is a major scene of action in various myths, as well as literary works derived from the myths, legends, or religious descriptions or depictions.
  • The content of the "Tianwen" includes questions regarding various myths, which today are often important informational sources on the historical development of these myths, with the "Tianwen" representing some of the earliest textual bases of information regarding these myths.
  • Examples cited as political myths include Manifest Destiny, The Clash of Civilizations, and national myths.

  • The compilation or description of myths is sometimes known as "mythography", a term also used for a scholarly anthology of myths or of the study of myths generally.
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