| unit nano- {prefix} <n> [10 ^ -9] | Nano- <n> 31 | |
| less'n {conj} [regional] [unless] | außer | |
| less'n {conj} [regional] [unless] | es sei denn, (dass) ... | |
Substantive |
| chem.FoodInd. nitrogen <N> [E-941] | Stickstoff {m} <N> 1100 | |
| north <N> | Norden {m} <N> 815 | |
| geogr.meteo.naut. north <N> | Nord <N> [Himmelsrichtung] [ohne Artikel] 40 | |
| jobsnaut. bos'n [spv. for: bosun] [boatswain] | Bootsmann {m} 26 | |
| phys.unit newton <N> | Newton {n} <N> 23 | |
| chem.FoodInd. nitrogen <N> [E-941] | Nitrogenium {n} [seltener für: Stickstoff] <N> 10 | |
| biochem. asparagine <Asn, N> [C4H8N2O3] | Asparagin {n} <Asn, N> 7 | |
| dance [former East German dance, GDR's answer to rock 'n' roll] | Lipsi {m} | |
| ling.print n [letter] | n {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print N [letter] | N {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| geogr. N'Djamena | N'Djamena {n} | |
| phys. neutralino <N͂> [hypothetical elementary particle] | Neutralino {n} <N͂> [hypothetisches Elementarteilchen] | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| 'n shit [vulg.] | und so'n Scheiß [vulg.] | |
| med.pharm. as needed {adv} <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata] | bei Bedarf | |
| n type {adj} | n-leitend | |
| n-ary {adj} | n-stufig | |
| math. n-dimensional {adj} | n-dimensional | |
| math. n-rowed {adj} | n-reihig | |
| biochem. N-terminal {adj} | N-terminal | |
| no date <n.d.> | ohne Datum <o. D.> | |
| acad.publ. no date {adv} <n.d.> [citation] | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> [Literaturangabe] | |
| no risk <N/R, n.r.> | ohne Risiko | |
| Internet no text <N/T> <nt> | ohne (weiteren) Text <oT, owT> | |
| acad.publ. no year {adv} <n.y.> [of publication] | ohne Jahr <o. J.> | |
| non-consensual {adj} <N/C> | nicht einvernehmlich | |
| not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA> | entfällt [in Formularen] | |
| not applicable {adj} <N/A> | nicht zutreffend <n. z.> | |
| not available {adj} <N/A, n/a> | nicht erreichbar | |
| not available {adj} <N/A, n/a> | nicht verfügbar | |
| electr.tech. not connected {adj} {past-p} <NC, N.C.> | nicht angeschlossen [nicht verbunden, nicht geschaltet usw.] | |
| not specified <ns, n/s> | keine Angabe / Angaben <k. A., KA> | |
| nota bene {adv} <N.B.> [Am.] | notabene [geh.] <NB> | |
| med.pharm. omni nocte {adv} <o.n., on> [at night] | nachts | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| psych. affiliative need <n-affiliation, nAff> | Gesellungsbedürfnis {n} | |
| psych. affiliative need <n-affiliation, nAff> | Affiliationsbedürfnis {n} | |
| biochem. amino-terminus <N-terminus> | Amino-Terminus {m} <N-Terminus> | |
| author's note <A/N> | Anmerkung {f} des Verfassers <Anm. d. Verf.> | |
| journ.lit. author's note <A/N> | Anmerkung {f} des Autors | |
| mus. bellows normal <B.N.> | [Ende des Balgtremolos] | |
| engin. Buna-N [Am.] [nitrile rubber] | Nitrilkautschuk {m} | |
| tech. construction number <c/n, CN> | Baunummer {f} <Bau-Nr.> | |
| unit degree Newton <°N> | Grad {m} {n} Newton <°N> | |
| factory number <F/N> | Fabriknummer {f} <FN> | |
| factory number <F/N> | Werknummer {f} <WN> [veraltet für: Fabriknummer] | |
| curr. Lao kip <LAK, ₭, ₭N> | Kip {m} <LAK, ₭, ₭N> | |
| n material | n-leitendes Material {n} | |
| biochem. N-acetylaspartate <NAA> | N-Acetylaspartat {n} <NAA> | |
| biochem. N-acetylglucosamine | N-Acetylglucosamin {n} | |
| biochem.chem. N-benzoylglycine [C9H9NO3] | Hippursäure {f} | |
| chem. n-butanol [also: 1-butanol] [C4H9OH] | n-Butanol {n} [auch: 1-Butanol] | |
| print n-dash [spv.] <–> | Halbgeviertstrich {m} <–> | |
| biochem. N-extein | N-Extein {n} | |
| math. n-gon | n-Eck {n} | |
| math. n-gon | N-Eck {n} | |
| biochem. N-myristoyltransferase | N-Myristoyltransferase {f} | |
| electr.telecom. n-port [multiport] | n-Tor {n} [Mehrtor] | |
| phys. N-radiation | N-Strahlung {f} | |
| phys. N-rays | N-Strahlen {pl} | |
| electr. N-terminal | N-Klemme {f} | |
| comp.math. n-tuple | n-Tupel {n} | |
| N-word [euphemism for the use of the word nigger] [Am.] | N-Wort {n} [bezieht sich auf das Wort "Nigger" oder "Neger", eine verächtliche Bezeichnung für einen dunkelhäutigen Menschen] | |
| curr. Namibian dollar <NAD, N$> | Namibia-Dollar {m} <NAD, N$> | |
| publ. new series <n.s.> | neue Folge {f} <n. F.> | |
| biol. nitrogen assimilation <N-assimilation> | Stickstoffaufnahme {f} | |
| ecol. nitrogen conversion <N-conversion> | Stickstoffumsatz {m} <N-Umsatz> | |
| ecol. nitrogen conversion <N-conversion> | Stickstoffumsetzung {f} <N-Umsetzung> | |
| biol. nitrogen cycle <N cycle> | Stickstoffzyklus {m} | |
| mus. no chord <N.C.> | kein Akkord {m} [bes. Popularmusik] | |
| law nondisclosure agreement <NDA, N.D.A.> | Vertraulichkeitsvereinbarung {f} | |
| chem.tech. normal solution <N solution> | Normallösung {f} | |
| nota bene <N.B.> | Anmerkung {f} <Anm.> | |
| mil.tech. part number <P/N> | Teilekennzeichen {n} <Tkz, TKZ> | |
| part number <PN, P/N, part no.> | Sachnummer {f} <SN, Sach-Nr.> | |
| serial number <S/N> | Fertigungsnummer {f} | |
| serial number <S/N> | Seriennummer {f} <S/N> | |
| ind. serial number <S/N> | Fabrikationsnummer {f} [Seriennummer] <S/N> | |
| shipping note <s/n> | Schiffszettel {m} | |
| phys.unit Stuart number <N> | Stuart-Zahl {f} <N> | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| east by north <EbN, E by N> | Ost zu Nord <OzN> | |
| idiom N for Nelly [Br.] | N wie Nordpol | |
| idiommil. N for November [NATO phonetic alphabet] | N wie November [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| math. n times continuously {adv} | n-mal stetig | |
| math. n times differentiable {adj} | n-mal differenzierbar | |
| med. no appreciable disease <n.a.d., NAD> | ohne (krankhaften) Befund <o.B., oB> [Nomenklatur] | |
| no commercial value <NCV, n.c.v.> | kein Handelswert | |
| acad.publ. no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.> | ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.> | |
| acad.artpubl. no place given {adv} <N.P., n.p.> | ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.> | |
| acad.artpubl. no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place] | sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort] | |
| north by east <NbE, N by E> | Nord zu Ost <NzO> | |
| north by west <NbW, N by W> | Nord zu West <NzW> | |
| northeast by north <NEbN, NE by N> | Nordost zu Nord <NOzN> | |
| northwest by north <NWbN, NW by N> | Nordwest zu Nord <NWzN> | |
| comm.EUstat. not elsewhere classified {adj} <n.e.c.> [customs classification] | anderweitig nicht genannt <a. n. g.> [Zolltarifnummern] | |
| idiom not elsewhere identified {adj} <n.e.i.> | nicht näher bestimmt <n.n.b., NNB> | |
| not otherwise specified <n.o.s.> | nicht anderweitig spezifiziert | |
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