 Übersetzung für 'N solution' von Englisch nach Deutsch
normal solution <N solution>
Normallösung {f}
3 Wörter
normal saline (solution<NS, NSS, N/S>
isotonische Kochsalzlösung {f}
useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratio
Verhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N>
I don't know the name. <N.N., NN>
nomen nescio <N. N.>
no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.>
ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.>
amount of substance <n, N, mol>
Molzahl {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge]
amount of substance <n, N, mol>
Molmenge {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge]
set of natural numbers <ℕ, N>
Menge {f} der natürlichen Zahlen <ℕ, N>
n-channel / N-channel transistor
n-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m}
not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA>entfällt [in Formularen]
no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]
no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.>
ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.>
no place given {adv} <N.P., n.p.>
ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.>
not available {adj} <N/A, n/a>nicht verfügbar
not available {adj} <N/A, n/a>nicht erreichbar
no risk <N/R, n.r.>ohne Risiko
rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
solution-phase / solution phase synthesis
Flüssigphasensynthese {f} [auch: Flüssigphasen-Synthese]
N-terminal {adj}
N-Strahlen {pl}
N-Extein {n}
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'N solution' von Englisch nach Deutsch

normal solution <N solution>
Normallösung {f}chem.tech.

normal saline (solution) <NS, NSS, N/S>
isotonische Kochsalzlösung {f}med.pharm.

useful signal + noise to noise <(S+N)/N> ratio
Verhältnis {n} von Nutzsignal plus Störgeräusch zum Störgeräusch <(S+N)/N>electr.
I don't know the name. <N.N., NN>
nomen nescio <N. N.>idiom
no place, no date {adv} <n.p., n.d.>
ungeprüft ohne Ort und Jahr <o. O. u. J.>acad.libr.publ.
amount of substance <n, N, mol>
Molzahl {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge]chem.

Molmenge {f} <n, N, mol> [veraltet] [Stoffmenge]chem.
set of natural numbers <ℕ, N>
Menge {f} der natürlichen Zahlen <ℕ, N>math.
n-channel / N-channel transistor
n-Kanal- / N-Kanal-Transistor {m}electr.
not applicable {adj} <N/A, n/a, N.A., NA>
entfällt [in Formularen]
no place given <N.P., n.p.> [sine loco] [without place]
sine loco <s. l.> [veraltet] [ohne Ort]acad.artpubl.
no date given {adv} <N.D., n.d.>
ohne Jahresangabe <o. J.>acad.publ.
no place given {adv} <N.P., n.p.>
ohne Ortsangabe <o. O.>acad.artpubl.
not available {adj} <N/A, n/a>
nicht verfügbar

nicht erreichbar
no risk <N/R, n.r.>
ohne Risiko
rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.

Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
solution-phase / solution phase synthesis
Flüssigphasensynthese {f} [auch: Flüssigphasen-Synthese]chem.
N-terminal {adj}
N-Strahlen {pl}phys.
N-Extein {n}biochem.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • This is then brominated using bromine to form the corresponding bromoketone, which is then reacted with methylamine in an aqueous solution to form the methylimino derivative, 1-(2-Chloro-N-methylbenzimidoyl)cyclopentanol, with hydrolysis of the tertiary bromine atom.
  • The simplest and most obvious solution is to arrange the "N" participants in a circle and have "N" keys rotate around the circle, until eventually every key has been contributed to by all "N" participants (ending with its owner) and each participant has contributed to "N" keys (ending with their own).
  • The Bayes estimator is asymptotically efficient and as the sample size approaches infinity ("n" → ∞), it approaches the MLE solution.
  • N. Metzler and M. Dryer, A self-consistent solution of the three-fluid model of the Solar Wind. Astrophys. J., 222 (2), 689–695, 1978.
  • has a unique solution for any one variable if all the other "n" variables are specified arbitrarily.

  • "Orthosilicic acid" has been identified in very dilute aqueous solution.
  • On the other hand, due to a new missing VEV mechanism emerging in the supersymmetric SU(8) GUT the simultaneous solution to the gauge hierarchy (doublet-triplet splitting) problem and problem of unification of flavor can be argued.
  • A more sophisticated solution uses intelligence on the edge of the IP network to route voice to the correct node.
  • Crispin Glover covered "Never Say 'Never' to Always" on his album "The Big Problem ≠ The Solution.
  • where the metal gate is replaced by an ion-sensitive membrane, electrolyte solution and reference electrode.

  • This gives the full "infinite bounce" solution for B directly.
  • Atiyah gave an affirmative answer to this question, but felt his solution was too computational and studied a conjecture that would give a more natural solution.
  • One binary test&set register is sufficient to provide the deadlock-free solution to the mutual exclusion problem.
  • This equation was first studied extensively in India starting with Brahmagupta, who found an integer solution to [...] in his "Brāhmasphuṭasiddhānta" circa 628.
  • Many general solutions for the Cube have been discovered independently.

  • Brute-force algorithms to count the number of solutions are computationally manageable for [...] , but would be intractable for problems of [...] , as 20!
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