 Übersetzung für 'NDE' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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near death experience <NDE>Nahtoderfahrung {f}
near-death experience <NDE>Nahtoderfahrung {f}
near-death experience <NDE>Nahtoderlebnis {n} [auch: Nahtod-Erlebnis] <NTE>
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • On 1 January 1870 the three largest railway companies in the region were united under the Palatinate Railway (Pfalzbahn) and the NDE was wound up.
  • From 1986 to 1987 he was Minister for Employment, Labour and Productivity, where he founded the National Directorate of Employment (NDE) to alleviate the problems of unemployment, especially graduate unemployment.
  • Netter Digital Entertainment (NDE) was a visual effects and CGI special effects company founded in 1995 and went out of business in 2000.
  • A 2019 large-scale study pointed that ketamine, "Salvia divinorum", and DMT (and other classical psychedelic substances) may be linked to near-death experiences due to the semantic similarity of reports associated with the use of psychoactive compounds and NDE narratives, but the study concluded that with the current data it is neither possible to corroborate nor refute the hypothesis that the release of an endogenous ketamine-like neuroprotective agent underlies NDE phenomenology.
  • Yoseph Bar-Cohen is a physicist at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory who specializes in electroactive materials and ultrasonic nondestructive evaluation (NDE), and is responsible for the Nondestructive Evaluation and Advance Actuators (NDEAA) lab at JPL.

  • He began his solo career in 1980 and released the single "45 tours Se to mba / Ne nde muna musango".
  • The indirect object "nde", a demonstrative, follows the noun, and is inflected in concord with the head noun.
  • "Sindani tokoa bongo sozuri ka di tajiri nde" (A mere cloth-sewing needle can defeat a rich man to own): Poor people are actually wealthier than rich people in certain aspects.
  • Eddy current techniques are commonly used for the nondestructive examination (NDE) and condition monitoring of a large variety of metallic structures, including heat exchanger tubes, aircraft fuselage, and aircraft structural components.
  • There were two special editions of the program: "Linha Direta Justiça" that presented famous Brazilian crimes, like the Candelária massacre, the death of Josef Mengele and the Jules Rimet theft on Rio de Janeiro; and the "Linha Direta Mistério", about stories of the supernatural, like the Operação Prato, the legend of the thirteen souls that died on the Joelma fire and cases of NDE.

  • The Chiricahua called them "Ben-et-dine" – ‘wild’, ‘crazy’; neighboring Western Apache called them "Koun`nde" – ‘Those who you don’t understand’, ‘wild rough People’.
  • "Passage" follows the efforts of Joanna Lander, a research psychologist, to understand the phenomenon of near-death experiences (or NDEs) by interviewing hospital patients after they are revived following clinical death.
  • The people of Nkporo always found themselves at loggerheads with the Ibibio warriors under the leadership of Afachima Achi and they strongly believe where they were was not their promise land.
  • Founded in 1991, The Acho Nwakanma (TAN) Foundation has been disbursing financial grants to indigent women to help them start businesses and be self-reliant.
  • Atwater claims Ricky Bradshaw co-founded International Association for Near-Death Studies (IANDS) with Dr.

  • Alexander presented related lectures around the world in churches, hospitals, medical schools, and academic symposia, besides appearing on TV shows including "Super Soul Sunday" with Oprah Winfrey.
  • According to the Rasch rating-scale, this sixteen multiple choice questionnaire can be universally applied to all NDEs.
  • Ordinals for the multiples of ten ("twentieth" to "ninetieth") are formed from cardinal numerals with the suffix "-nde", e.g. [...] ("20:e"), [...] ("30:e").
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