 Übersetzung für 'NLF' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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nasolabial fold <NLF> [Sulcus nasolabialis]
Nasolabialfalte {f} <NLF>
nasolabial fold <NLF> [Sulcus nasolabialis]
Nasen-Lippen-Falte {f} [auch: Nasenlippenfalte]
nasolabial fold <NLF> [Sulcus nasolabialis]
Nasen-Lippen-Furche {f} [auch: Nasenlippenfurche]
nasolabial fold <NLF> [Sulcus nasolabialis]
Kummerfalte {f} [fachspr. veraltet] [Nasolabialfalte]
new legislative framework <NLF>neuer Rechtsrahmen {m}
new life form <NLF>
neue Lebensform {f}
6 Übersetzungen
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  • Nasolabialfalte {f} <NLF> = nasolabial fold <NLF> [Sulcus nasolabialis]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Because of his lobbying efforts and past political standing, Hữu was an ally of the National Liberation Front (NLF) in Paris.
  • Nevertheless, deadly guerrilla attacks particularly by the NLF soon resumed against British forces, with the British leaving Aden by the end of November 1967, earlier than had been planned by British Prime Minister Harold Wilson and without an agreement on the succeeding governance.
  • Under the British Government's restructuring programme the Nuclear Liabilities Fund (NLF) acted as a creditor and liability receiver for British Energy Group.
  • On 11 January 2021, a group of Syrian Army soldiers infiltrated positions of NLF group Jaysh al-Nasr in the town of Al-Ankawi during nighttime, killing 11 fighters.
  • He was a co-founder of the National Front for the Liberation of South Yemen (NLF).

  • The Viet Cong established the NLF in order to help create a Communist state in South Vietnam.
  • In 1998 the NSSP joined with the National Democratic Movement, New Democratic Party and United Socialist Party (a breakaway faction of the NSSP) to form the New Left Front (NLF).
  • The National Liberation Front (NLF) of Yemen was formed with the leadership of Qahtan Muhammad Al-Shaabi.
  • The likelihood of a clash between LCA and NLF was greatly reduced when the NLF moved to London in 1886 into premises at 42 Parliament Street, next door to the LCA offices which were located at 41 Parliament Street.
  • One of the largest hurdles to effective negotiation was the fact that North Vietnam and the National Front for the Liberation of South Vietnam (NLF, or Viet Cong) in the South, refused to recognize the government of South Vietnam; with equal persistence, the government in Saigon refused to acknowledge the legitimacy of the NLF.

  • The United NLF Groups ([...] , abbreviated DFFG, colloquially "FNL-grupperna", 'NLF Groups', or "FNL-rörelsen", 'NLF movement') was a Swedish popular movement that sought to mobilize support for the struggle of the Vietnamese National Liberation Front (known by its French acronym 'FNL').
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