Übersetzung für '
NMA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- With the formation of the National Maritime Authority (NMA) IN 1987/88, the profile of NAL increased as NMA encouraged indigenous operators to claim their share of internationally traded cargo involving Nigeria.
- In the late 1960s the Dunedin-based Skeggs Foods Ltd opened up a new fish processing and packing shed on the seaward side of the iron wharf in completion to the NMA (which subsequently became Wrightson NMA) existing fishing processing and packing facility.
- NAMA formed in 2012 from the merger of the "National Meat Association" (NMA) and the "North American Meat Processors (NAMP)".
- In 1981/82 Rehm moved to Salzburg and was a full-time member of the editorial board of the NMA from 1981 to 1994.
- The NMA led the destigmatisation movement against HIV-AIDS patients in 1991. As a part of the movement, members of the NMA held hands with HIV-positive inmates from the Manipur jail.
- She was elected as an office-bearer of the pharmaceutical section of the National Medical Association (NMA) in 1913, and as vice president of the NMA in 1919.
- Booth worked as a coal miner in Nottinghamshire and became active in the Nottinghamshire Miners' Association (NMA).
- The Nepal Mountaineering Association (NMA) is the national mountaineering association of Nepal.
- In 1989, Pinn was installed as president of the National Medical Association (NMA).
- In 2008, Arabo was appointed as President and CEO of the NMA.
- The Navy Musicians Association (NMA) is a non-profit veterans organization of past and present United States Navy musicians.
- Dayton, Ohio was the location of NMA’s national headquarters facility.
- which is orthorhombic (space group: "P"nma). This structure also consists of potassium ions and the complex anion [...]2−.
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