2 Übersetzungen
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- nekrolytisches migratorisches Erythem {n} <NME> = necrolytic migratory erythema <NME>
- neue molekulare Entität {f} <NME> = new molecular entity <NME>
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- In September 2019, Dignitas formed a new parent company, New Meta Entertainment (NME), a digital sports and entertainment company.
- NSSL's Mesoscale Ensemble (NME) is an experimental analysis and short-range ensemble forecast system.
- British entertainment website NME included Demmisse in its fifth edition of "The NME 100: Essential emerging artists for 2021" selection.
- In August they headlined the RadioOne/NME Stage of the Reading and Leeds Festivals.
- In April 2020, the NME announced it would be partnering with the Government on "a three-month advertising partnership to help keep the public safe and the nation united throughout the Covid-19 pandemic".
- "De Vroente" is a NME-centre (...) of the Flemish Government located at the main entrance of the "Kalmthout Heath", and is the main visitor centre for the cross-border park "De Zoom – Kalmthoutse Heide" which spans six thousand hectares.
- In 1843, the Niederschlesisch-Märkische Eisenbahn-Gesellschaft (Lower Silesian-Markish Railway Society, NME) obtained a concession to build a railway line from Frankfurt on Oder to Breslau (now Wrocław).
- The article details his experience with having been hospitalized in Brookhaven Psychiatric Pavilion, a hospital owned by NME.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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