 Übersetzung für 'NSP' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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neurotoxic shellfish poisoning <NSP>
neurotoxische Schalentiervergiftung {f} <NSP>
nuclear spin precession <NSP>
Kernspinpräzession {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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  • neurotoxische Schalentiervergiftung {f} <NSP> = neurotoxic shellfish poisoning <NSP>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Between 2011 and 2016, the station underwent a major reconstruction as one of the NSP projects of the Dutch government and as part of a general reconstruction of the Utrecht station area.
  • The NSP flight operations unit consisted of three fixed-wing aircraft.
  • Logistec operates the international piers, which handles coal imports from the United States and South America, while Sydney Coal Railway hauls the coal to the storage facility at Victoria Junction before transporting it to NSP's Lingan Generating Station.
  • Although the superheater developed by Allis-Chalmers was plagued with technical difficulties and which led to NSP's eventual decision to retire the reactor by 1967 (and convert the plant to run on gas and oil by 1968), the lessons NSP learned from Pathfinder served the company in its operation of the Prairie Island and Monticello nuclear plants.
  • The transportation education program is designed to teach members of the NSP safe techniques for the transportation of sick or injured guests from the wilderness to safety.

  • ‘Novorossiyskoe Uzlovoe Transportno-Expeditsionnoe Predpriyatie’) in the Port of Novorossiysk (NSP) under the management of National Container Company (NCC).
  • "We Are All Part of One Another a Barbara Deming Reader" in 1984). NSP's cooperatively authored "Resource Manual for a Living Revolution" (known affectionately as the “monster manual”) and similar publications inspired and guided activists on every continent, even the Tasmanian Wilderness Society’s campaign to prevent the damming of the Franklin River in southern Australia.
  • Insperity is publicly traded on the New York Stock Exchange under the ticker symbol NSP. The company completed its initial public offering in January 1997.
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