| RadioTVF NYPD Blue | New York Cops – NYPD Blue | |
Teiltreffer |
| City of New York Police Department <NYPD, NYCPD> [ New York City Police Department] | New York City Police Department {n} <NYPD, NYCPD> | |
| orn.T blue-breasted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis herioti, syn.: Niltava herioti] | Heriotblauschnäpper {m} [auch: Heriot-Blauschnäpper] | |
| orn.T blue-fronted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis hoevelli, syn.: Niltava hoevelli] | Celebesblauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T blue-fronted blue robin [Cinclidium frontale] | Blauschmätzer {m} [auch: Blau-Schmätzer] | |
| orn.T blue-throated blue flycatcher [Cyornis rubeculoides] | Blaukehlschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T rufous-breasted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Ficedula hyperythra] | Rotbrust-Grundschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T rufous-bellied blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Niltava vivida] | Swinhoe-Niltava {m} | |
| orn.T rufous-bellied blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Niltava vivida] | Swinhoeblauschnäpper {m} | |
| bot.T Kentucky bluegrass / blue-grass / blue grass [Poa pratensis] | Wiesenrispengras /Wiesen-Rispengras {n} | |
| entom.T blue-spot / blue spot hairstreak [Satyrium spini] | Felsbuschheiden-Kreuzdorn-Zipfelfalter {m} [selten] | |
| orn.T Sulawesi blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis omissus] | Sulawesiblauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T Celebes blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Ficedula bonthaina] | Bonthaingrundschnäpper {m} [auch: Bonthain-Grundschnäpper] | |
| orn.T hill blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis banyumas] | Bergblauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T dull blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Eumyias sordidus, syn.: E. sordida, Muscicapa sordida] | Ceylonschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T Ramsay's blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis lemprieri, syn.: Niltava lemprieri] | Palawanblauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T Tickell's blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis tickelliae, syn.: Niltava tickelliae] | Braunbrust-Blauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T Sunda Island blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Eumyias indigo, syn.: Muscicapa indigo] | Indigoschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T hill blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis lemprieri, syn.: Niltava lemprieri] | Palawanblauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T Palawan blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis lemprieri, syn.: Niltava lemprieri] | Palawanblauschnäpper {m} | |
| orn.T Matinan blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis sanfordi, syn.: Niltava sanfordi] | Sanfordschnäpper {m} | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'NYPD Blue' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- NYPD Blue
- New York Cops – NYPD BlueRadioTVF
- City of New York Police Department <NYPD, NYCPD> [ New York City Police Department]
- New York City Police Department {n} <NYPD, NYCPD>
- blue-breasted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis herioti, syn.: Niltava herioti]
- Heriotblauschnäpper {m} [auch: Heriot-Blauschnäpper]orn.T
- blue-fronted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis hoevelli, syn.: Niltava hoevelli]
- Celebesblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- blue-fronted blue robin [Cinclidium frontale]
- Blauschmätzer {m} [auch: Blau-Schmätzer]orn.T
- blue-throated blue flycatcher [Cyornis rubeculoides]
- Blaukehlschnäpper {m}orn.T
- rufous-breasted blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Ficedula hyperythra]
- Rotbrust-Grundschnäpper {m}orn.T
- rufous-bellied blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Niltava vivida]
- Swinhoe-Niltava {m}orn.T
Swinhoeblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Kentucky bluegrass / blue-grass / blue grass [Poa pratensis]
- Wiesenrispengras /Wiesen-Rispengras {n}bot.T
- blue-spot / blue spot hairstreak [Satyrium spini]
- Felsbuschheiden-Kreuzdorn-Zipfelfalter {m} [selten]entom.T
- Sulawesi blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis omissus]
- Sulawesiblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Celebes blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Ficedula bonthaina]
- Bonthaingrundschnäpper {m} [auch: Bonthain-Grundschnäpper]orn.T
- hill blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis banyumas]
- Bergblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- dull blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Eumyias sordidus, syn.: E. sordida, Muscicapa sordida]
- Ceylonschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Ramsay's blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis lemprieri, syn.: Niltava lemprieri]
- Palawanblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Tickell's blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis tickelliae, syn.: Niltava tickelliae]
- Braunbrust-Blauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Sunda Island blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Eumyias indigo, syn.: Muscicapa indigo]
- Indigoschnäpper {m}orn.T
- hill blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis lemprieri, syn.: Niltava lemprieri]
- Palawanblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Palawan blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis lemprieri, syn.: Niltava lemprieri]
- Palawanblauschnäpper {m}orn.T
- Matinan blue-flycatcher / blue flycatcher [Cyornis sanfordi, syn.: Niltava sanfordi]
- Sanfordschnäpper {m}orn.T
- New York Cops – NYPD Blue = NYPD Blue
- New York City Police Department {n} <NYPD, NYCPD> = City of New York Police Department <NYPD, NYCPD> [ New York City Police Department]
- Blue Bloater {m} = blue bloater [patient with chronic bronchitis]
- Blue Baby {n} = blue baby
- Royal Blue = Red, White and Royal Blue [book: Casey McQuiston, film: Matthew López]
- Blue Belle = Blue Belle [Andrew Vachss]
- Blue Crude {n} = blue crude
- Blue Velvet = Blue Velvet [David Lynch]
- Blue Guide {m} [Binnenmarktrichtlinie] = Blue Guide [also: blue guide]
- Blue Note {f} [Jazz] = blue note
- Blue Ridge Mountains {pl} = Blue Ridge Mountains
- Operation Blue Sky = Blue Sky [Tony Richardson]
- Deep Blue Sea = Deep Blue Sea [Renny Harlin]
- Blue Movie {m} {n} [ugs.] = blue movie [coll.]
- Kerry Blue Terrier {m} = Kerry blue terrier
- Blue-toe-Phänomen {n} = blue toe phenomenon
- Blue Ensign {f} [britische Flagge] = Blue Ensign [flag flown by a British naval auxiliary vessel]
- Pacific Blue - Die Strandpolizei = Pacific Blue
- Cafe Blue Eyes – Schlafloses Verlangen = Dream for an Insomniac [Tiffanie DeBartolo]
- Blue-Box-Technik {f} [Bluescreen-Technik] = colour-separation overlay <CSO> [Br.]
- Blue-Corn-Tanz {m} [Pueblo-Indianer] = blue corn dance [pueblo Native Americans]
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