 Übersetzung für 'Neronian' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Neronian {adj}
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Übersetzung für 'Neronian' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Neronian {adj}
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • On the completion of the investigation the remains were preserved beneath the basilica (along with the remains of the Constantinian cathedral and a Neronian "domus") in a spectacular underground archaeological park.
  • He is generally believed to be the author of the "Satyricon", a satirical novel believed to have been written during the Neronian era (54–68 AD).
  • The high percentage of golden lines found in the "Laus Pisonis" and other works of the Neronian period has led some scholars to claim that the form is a mark of Neronian aesthetics.
  • Even after the Cloaca was built, the area was still prone to flooding from the Tiber, until the ground level was raised after the Neronian fire.
  • The city acquired, possibly during the reign of Galba or Hadrian, the status of "colonia" and the epithet of "Sulpicia" after Sulpicius Galba, governor of Hispania, proclaimed himself emperor, and who in 68 AD took refuge in Clunia during the anti-Neronian revolution.

  • Harrison, "almost all scholars now support a Neronian date" for the work.
  • The Via Domitiana was not built from scratch, but was based on an existing road and it also used works undertaken in the Neronian period for the construction of the Fossa Neronis (the canal intended to connect Rome to Pozzuoli).
  • The Neronian-era Stoic Cornutus relates a similar allegorical interpretation, whereby the dismemberment represented the crushing of the grapes, and the rejoining of the dismembered pieces into a single body, represented the pouring of the juice into a single container.
  • There has been subsequent disagreement among scholars as to the date of Calpurnius's poetry, with some arguing for a Neronian Date, others for a later date.
  • Following a subsequent restoration in 211, during the reign of Caracalla, the gate was used to support the large arches, still visible today, of the Neronian aqueduct, a secondary branch of the "Aqua Claudia".

  • The fall of Jerusalem coupled with the Neronian persecutions form the tension within the subtext of Revelation.
  • Pipes from the Neronian structure were discovered between the Piazza and the Salita dei Crescenzi.
  • Under the Neronian persecution, Rome began to discriminate against monotheists who refused to worship the Roman gods.
  • Its size and quality implies it belonged to an important figure, possibly of the Imperial family judging by the spectacular frescoes which during the excavations of 1989 the area inspector considered closer to the Neronian Domus Aurea than to Pompeian houses.
  • They concluded that the grotto is actually a nymphaeum or underground triclinium from Neronian times.

  • She may have been the mother of a young man named Fabius Numantinus, who was admitted to a sacerdotal college in the Neronian era.
  • A sample exchange, on an astronomical passage from the Neronian poet Lucan, is available online in English translation.
  • Cluvius was consul "suffectus" prior to AD 65; from how those Roman historians mention him he could have held the fasces during the reign of Claudius, but Paul Gallivan believes that in "all probability Cluvius' consular date should be Neronian."
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