 Übersetzung für 'Ngai' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Ngai camphor
Ngaikampfer / Ngai-Kampfer {m}
Ngai camphor [Blumea balsamifera]
Blumeakampfer {m} [auch Blumeakampher, Ngaicampher usw.]
2 Übersetzungen
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  • Ngaikampfer / Ngai-Kampfer {m} = Ngai camphor
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Other major stations along the line in Narathiwat include Rueso, Su-ngai Kolok, Su-ngai Padi and Cho-airong.
  • Neighboring districts are (from the southwest clockwise): Su-ngai Kolok, Su-ngai Padi, Cho-airong, Mueang Narathiwat of Narathiwat Province, and the Gulf of Thailand.
  • Neighboring districts are (from the west clockwise): Sukhirin, Su-ngai Padi, and Su-ngai Kolok. To the south is the Kelantan state of Malaysia.
  • Su-ngai Kolok is in the southeastern part of the province.
  • In Maasai culture, nature and its elements are important facets of their religion. Ngai (also called "Engai" or "Enkai") is the androgynous Supreme Creator, possessing both masculine and feminine principles.

  • For the Maasai, Ngai (also called "Engai" or "Enkai") is the androgynous Supreme Creator, possessing both masculine and feminine principles.
  • Many flood victims in Kelantan, Malaysia, started to cross Golok River into Su-ngai Kolok town to buy essential items at Su-ngai Kolok Municipality Market.
  • Police Lieutenant General Tha-ngai Prasajaksatru, chief of the police team arresting Ampon, remarked that in the course of the inquiry, Ampon pleaded not guilty, but admitted that the exhibited mobile phones were his.
  • Chan Wui-ngai, (born 6 February 1953; often credited as Billy Chan) is a Hong Kong actor, stuntman, director, fight choreographer, and film producer.
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