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- Nyquist-Frequenz {f} = Nyquist frequency
- Nyquist-Plot {m} = Nyquist plot
- Nyquist-Rate {f} = Nyquist rate
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- On May 7, 2016, the morning of the Kentucky Derby, the NHL brought the Cup to Churchill Downs in Louisville, Kentucky for a photo session with race favorite Nyquist, named after then-Detroit Red Wings player Gustav Nyquist.
- The name "Nyquist–Shannon sampling theorem" honours Harry Nyquist and Claude Shannon, but the theorem was also previously discovered by E.
- The builder, Shea Nyquist, is an American aerospace engineer educated at San Jose State University.
- Seth Nyquist was born in Toronto, where he grew up with his adoptive mother, English professor Mary Nyquist, and his sister.
- Resistors create electrical noise, called Johnson–Nyquist noise.
- This minimum sampling rate is called the Nyquist rate.
- He was born in Oslo, the son of Arild Otto Nyquist (1911–74) and Gerd Nyquist (1913-84).
- Scarnati became involved in a federal probe when he, along with Long Nyquist & Associates, accepted money from a fake firm run by the FBI.
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