 Übersetzung für 'O ring seal' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an O-ring seal | O-ring seals
O-ring sealO-Dichtring {m}
O-ring sealRundgummidichtung {f}
4 Wörter
O-ring (seal / gasket)
Rundschnurring {m}
ring-a-ring-o' roses
Ringelreihen {m}
ring-a-ring-o' roses
Ringelreigen {m}
O-sealRunddichtung {f}
Nullring / Null-Ring {m} [DDR-Begriff] [O-Ring]
Rundring {m} [O-Ring]
O-ringDichtungs­ring {m}
o-ringRundschnurring {m}
O-ringO-Ring {m}
seal ring
Dichtring {m}
seal ringSiegelring {m}
encapsulated O-ring
ummantelter O-Ring {m}
O-ring gripper
O-Ring-Greifer {m}
O-ring circuit
O-Ring-Schaltkreis {m} [auch: O-Ring-Schaltung]
valve O-ringVentil-O-Ring {m}
shaft seal ring
Wellendichtring {m}
floating ring seal
Schwimmringdichtung {f}
flat seal ring
Flachdichtring {m}
lip seal ring
Lippendichtring {m}
O'ahu 'Ō'ō [Moho apicalis] [extinct] [also: Oahu oo]
Krausschwanzmoho {m} [ausgestorben]
O'ahu 'Ō'ō [Moho apicalis] [extinct] [also: Oahu oo]
Weißspitzen-Krausschwanz {m} [ausgestorben]
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Other conversion heads are made by MECOA RJL, and include .049, .074 and .09 engines. These use an O-ring seal rather than a Teflon disk.
  • The pipe is made up of short sections commonly joined by screw thread with O-ring seal so that the length can be adjusted during the pour without getting the top of the pipe below the water or removing the bottom end from below the surface of the poured concrete.
  • The effect is important in O-ring seal design, where the seals can be mounted in a peripherally compressed state in hot applications to prolong life.
  • Other cartridges may be difficult to eject, and some have been known to puncture the O-ring seal and create leaks.
  • Bodok seals are also used in emergency oxygen kits used in first aid for underwater diving, but diving regulators used for scuba cylinders generally use a conventional o-ring seal with either a DIN 477 or CGA 850 yoke connector.

  • These flanges are elastomeric o-ring seal and can be used for both vacuum and pressure applications.
  • The failure of an O-ring seal on the starboard Solid Rocket Booster (SRB) was determined to have caused the shuttle to break up in flight.
  • They often have an O-ring seal between the lid and the body to make them easier to open and partially waterproof.
  • A Wills Ring or Cooper Ring is a form of all-metallic O-ring seal. They are used for extremely arduous service, such as sealing the head gasket of high performance piston engines.
  • Disintegration of the vehicle began after an O-ring seal in its right solid rocket booster (SRB) failed at liftoff.

  • They are less susceptible to blowing the O-ring seal if banged against something while in use.
  • The mating surface seals to the cylinder head with a rubber O-ring style gasket.
  • O-rings are one of the most common seals used in machine design because they are inexpensive, easy to make, reliable and have simple mounting requirements.
  • Schmidt's vacuum figuring method is rarely used today.
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