 Übersetzung für 'OA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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osteoarthritis <OA> [Am.]
Gelenkverschleiß {m} [ugs.]
osteoarthritis <OA>
Osteoarthritis {f} <OA>
oligoastrocytoma <OA>
Oligoastrozytom {n}
2 Wörter
carpometacarpal osteoarthritis <CMC OA, CMC-OA>
Rhizarthrose {f}
carpometacarpal osteoarthritis <CMC OA, CMC-OA>
Arthrose {f} des Daumensattelgelenks
carpometacarpal osteoarthritis <CMC OA, CMC-OA>
CMC I-Arthrose {f} [Daumensattelgelenksarthrose]
obturator artery <OA> [Arteria obturatoria]
Hüftlocharterie {f}
oesophageal atresia <OA> [Br.]
Speiseröhrenatresie {f}
oesophageal atresia <OA> [Br.]
Oesophagusatresie {f} <OA>
oesophageal atresia <OA> [Br.]
Ösophagusatresie {f} <ÖA>
operational audit <OA>
Operational Audit {n} <OA>
operational availability <OA>
betriebliche Verfügbarkeit {f}
oral appliance <OA>
Protrusionsschiene {f} <PS>
ovarian artery <OA> [Arteria ovarica]
Eierstockarterie {f}
ovarian artery <OA> [Arteria ovarica]
Ovarialarterie {f} <OA>
trapeziometacarpal osteoarthritis <TM OA, TMOA> [carpometacarpal osteoarthritis]
Trapeziometakarpalarthrose {f} [auch: Trapezio-Metakarpal-Arthrose]
16 Übersetzungen
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!

  • Osteoarthritis {f} <OA> = osteoarthritis <OA>
  • Oberarzt {m} <OA> = senior physician
  • Oesophagusatresie {f} <OA> = esophageal atresia <EA> [Am.]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • For them the Mosi oa Tunya are a sacred and essential element in their culture.
  • With osteoarthritis (OA) being the number one reason for total knee arthoplasty (TKA) surgery, it is important to understand that balance deficits significantly impact the quality of daily living in patients with knee OA and are also linked to greater risk of falling and poor mobility.
  • The Order of the Arrow (OA) is the national honor society of the Boy Scouts of America (BSA).
  • Taha Uku is a small bay on the north shore of Ta‘a ‘Oa (the Bay of Traitors) on the southern coast of Hiva ‘Oa.
  • Administratively, Hiva Oa is part of the commune (municipality) of Hiva-Oa, itself in the administrative subdivision of the Marquesas Islands.

  • In addition to VIPoma, VIP has a role in osteoarthritis (OA).
  • Kathryn Marklein from the Ohio State University explored the prevalence of OA between two Roman period (2nd – 3rd c. ...
  • In 2018, Paul Peters proposed the concept of the OA Switchboard and convened a meeting of key stakeholders in December 2018 to develop the idea.
  • Future Orbital ATK launches of CRS OA-5 in August 2016 and CRS OA-7 in November 2016 would be on the new Antares 230.
  • BFRT has been shown to improve physical function, and improve pain and stiffness in patients with knee osteoarthritis (OA).

  • Sila diphthongs are /ɤi/, /ai/, /ao/, /oa/.
  • Pha̍k-oa-chhi (白話字) is a Latin-based writing system for the Nanchang dialect of the Gan language.
  • ] Oa is the South Marquesan name of a wide bay on the southern coast of Hiva [...] Oa in French Polynesia.
  • ] oa Bay has one of the few white sand beaches of the Kohala Coast, the western side of the island of Hawai [...] i.
  • The boat was launched on 10 April 1940, with a crew of 53, under the command of "Kapitänleutnant" Joachim Schepke.

  • Research and an Inclusive Approach to Open Access - In 2020, Lyrasis Research conducted a member survey of predominantly U.S.
  • Hanakee is the name of a small rocky islet lying off the southern coast of Hiva Oa, separating Atuona Bay from Ta [...] a [...] Oa.
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