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- Weltorganisation {f} für Tiergesundheit <OIE [nach dem ersten frz. Namen »Office International des Epizooties«]> = World Organisation for Animal Health <OIE [after the first French name »Office International des Epizooties«]>
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- In Spanish this is called "juego de gansos" and in French as "jeu d'oie".
- Confit of goose ("confit d'oie") and duck ("confit de canard") are usually prepared from the legs of the bird.
- that followed the "patte d'oie" configuration in vogue at the time.
- "Zig-Zag", "Snakes and Ladders" (a didactic fiction about cartography), and also known in French as "Le jeu de l'oie (Une fiction didactique à propos de la cartographie)", is a French short film made in 1980.
- Other trees planted in the park include silver birch, and mixed deciduous and coniferous species The east lawn provides a Patte d'oie which acts as a focal point of several drives through the grounds.
- Other events include the Truffle Festival, Christmas Market and Fest’oie in winter, the Ringueta of traditional games, and the Theatre Games Festival.
- Two long straight avenues of beech trees were planted on lines opening away symmetrically from the Hall and diverging from the canal as their median axis, so as to frame the Vista (the arrangement called a "patte d'oie").
- In the scene of ‘jeu d’oie’ in Act II of "La belle Hélène" Offenbach referred back to "Le financier et le savetier".
- These features include "clair-voies", a "patte d'oie", two avenues, and bosquet hedges.
- The idea for the "patte d'oie" may have originated in town planning schemes where roads converged onto a single space or feature, such as the Piazza del Popolo in Rome.
- "Garbure" is a thick French stew traditionally based on cabbage and confit d'oie, though the modern version is usually made with ham, cheese and stale bread.
© dict.cc English-German dictionary 2025
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