 Übersetzung für 'Only the strong survive' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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Only the strong survive.
Nur die Starken überleben.
Only the strong survive.
Nur die Harten komm'n in'n Garten. [ugs.] [hum.] [eher mündlich]
Only the Paranoid Survive. [Andrew S. Grove]
Nur die Paranoiden überleben.
Only together are we strong. [idiom]Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark. [Redewendung]
A chain is (only) as strong as its weakest link. [idiom] Eine Kette ist (nur) so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glied. [Redewendung]
strong in the air {adj}
kopfballstark [Fußball]
Augustus II the Strong
August {m} der Starke [Friedrich August I. von Sachsen, August II. der Starke]
to have the strong impression that ... sichAkk. des Eindrucks nicht erwehren können, dass ... [geh.]
to shout for the strong mannach dem starken Mann schreien
Saxonian King August the Strong
Sachsenkönig {m} August der Starke
The strong overwhelm the weak.
Die großen Fische fressen die kleinen. [ugs.]
(Remember:) keep the right wing strong.
Macht mir den rechten Flügel stark! [Generalfeldmarschall Alfred Graf von Schlieffen]
good / great / strong header of the ball
kopfballstarker Spieler {m}
the only ones {pron}die einzigen
the only onedas Einzige {n}
the only onedie Einzige {f}
the only oneder Einzige {m}
strong at the back {adj} [e.g. football, rugby]
the only saving gracedas einzig Gute {n}
only the bare necessities {pl}nur das Allernötigste {n}
the only true faith
der allein selig machende Glaube {m}
(only) the very few(nur) die Allerwenigsten
22 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Only the strong survive' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Only the strong survive.
Nur die Starken überleben.proverb

Nur die Harten komm'n in'n Garten. [ugs.] [hum.] [eher mündlich]proverb

Only the Paranoid Survive. [Andrew S. Grove]
Nur die Paranoiden überleben.lit.stocks
Only together are we strong. [idiom]
Nur gemeinsam sind wir stark. [Redewendung]
A chain is (only) as strong as its weakest link. [idiom]
Eine Kette ist (nur) so stark wie ihr schwächstes Glied. [Redewendung]
strong in the air {adj}
kopfballstark [Fußball]sports
Augustus II the Strong
August {m} der Starke [Friedrich August I. von Sachsen, August II. der Starke]hist.
to have the strong impression that ...
sichAkk. des Eindrucks nicht erwehren können, dass ... [geh.]
to shout for the strong man
nach dem starken Mann schreien
Saxonian King August the Strong
Sachsenkönig {m} August der Starkehist.
The strong overwhelm the weak.
Die großen Fische fressen die kleinen. [ugs.]proverb
(Remember:) keep the right wing strong.
Macht mir den rechten Flügel stark! [Generalfeldmarschall Alfred Graf von Schlieffen]quote
good / great / strong header of the ball
kopfballstarker Spieler {m}sports
the only ones {pron}
die einzigen
the only one
das Einzige {n}

die Einzige {f}

der Einzige {m}
strong at the back {adj} [e.g. football, rugby]
the only saving grace
das einzig Gute {n}
only the bare necessities {pl}
nur das Allernötigste {n}
the only true faith
der allein selig machende Glaube {m}relig.
(only) the very few
(nur) die Allerwenigsten
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Shortly after its launch, he gave a preview of the new project with several demos including "Only the Strong Survive", "Casket Dream" and "Devil’s Deal".
  • A dance cover of Jerry Butler's "Only the Strong Survive" in 1987, produced by Stock Aitken Waterman.
  • "Only the Strong Survive" is a song written by Jerry Butler, Kenny Gamble and Leon Huff and originally sung in 1968 by Jerry Butler, released on his album "The Ice Man Cometh".
  • The first round was called "Only the Strong survive" and was played four times to find the four qualifiers for round two.
  • During this period, CL Smooth mostly declined to appear on other artists' albums, with the exception of "Only the Strong Survive" with DJ Krush in 1996.

  • Pennebaker-directed documentary "Only the Strong Survive" (Miramax).
  • Bruce Springsteen recorded a version of the song for his 2022 album, "Only the Strong Survive". The song was released as a single and music video in October 2022.
  • (the Lakers) learned a valuable lesson. Only the strong survive.
  • The album produced the singles "Meiso" and "Only the Strong Survive", which reached numbers 52 and 71 respectively on the UK Singles Chart.
  • His stage name was inspired from hearing the Jerry Butler song "Only the Strong Survive" on the radio while he was picking up his first paycheck.

  • After touring for several years, the Richrath band released "Only the Strong Survive" in 1992 on the GNP Crescendo label.
  • With Academy Award nominees D. A. Pennebaker and Chris Hegedus, Friedman co-produced "Only the Strong Survive", a 2002 documentary film about famed R&B musicians, in which he also appeared.
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