 Übersetzung für 'Oorlam' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Oorlam (people)
Orlam {pl}
1 Übersetzung
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Übersetzung für 'Oorlam' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Oorlam (people)
Orlam {pl}ethn.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The shelling of the Oorlam kraal and its final storming led to tremendous civilian casualties.
  • Oorlam clans were originally formed from mixed-race descendants of indigenous Khoikhoi, Europeans and slaves from Mozambique, Madagascar, India and Indonesia.
  • Andersson and the Herero fought the Oorlam people under Christian Afrikaner.
  • Oorlams (also: "Oorlands", "Oorlans") is a dialect of Afrikaans spoken in the Republic of South Africa and Namibia, by the Oorlam people.
  • One of the most influential of these Oorlam groups was the "Griqua".

  • That August, he was appointed successor to Johannes Samuel Hahn as chief of the mission in Berseba, South West Africa, at the time the isolated outpost of captain Paul Goliath and his Oorlam tribe, whose living conditions one missionary described as "fit for dogs and cats."
  • Oorlam Nama under chief Paul Goliath eagerly recruited his ministry and he established the mission of Gudbrandsdalen to serve them in an area that reminded him of his childhood home in the eponymous region.
  • Notably, he reported that the Oorlam wished to remain sovereign.
  • It is home to a community of the Oorlam people, a group descends from the OvaHerero, Nama and other groups.
  • The fortress of ǁKhauxaǃnas, built by the Oorlam in southeastern Namibia, included a wall that was [...] in length and [...] in height.

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