| NOUN | Oregon | - |
| SYNO | Beaver State | OR | Oregon |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| geogr. Oregon <OR> [Beaver State] | Oregon {n} [US-Bundesstaat] 5 | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| hist. Oregon Territory | Oregon-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1848-1859)] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| bot.gastr. Oregon grape berries | Mahonienbeeren {pl} | |
Taxa/Spezies (Tiere, Pflanzen, Pilze) |
| bot.T (tall) Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T (tall) Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Gemeine Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T (tall) Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium] | Gewöhnliche Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T (tall) Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium] | Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Beale's Oregon-grape [Mahonia bealei, syn.: Berberis bealei, B. japonica var. bealei] | Beales Mahonie {f} [auch fälschlich: Beals Mahonie] | |
| bot.T California Oregon-grape [Mahonia pinnata, Berberis pinnata] | Fiederblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T cascade Oregon-grape [Mahonia nervosa] | Nervige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T creeping Oregon-grape [Mahonia repens] | Kriechende Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T dull Oregon-grape [Mahonia nervosa] | Nervige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T dwarf Oregon-grape [Mahonia nervosa] | Nervige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T holly-leaf Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Gemeine Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T holly-leaf Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | (Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T holly-leaf Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
| T long-leaf / longleaf Oregon grape [Mahonia nervosa, syn.: Berberis nervosa] | Nervige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon (white) oak [Quercus garryana] | Oregon-Eiche {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon ash [Fraxinus latifolia] | Oregon-Esche {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon barberry [Mahonia nervosa, syn.: Berberis nervosa] | Nervige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon daisy [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus] | Schöner Feinstrahl {m} | |
| bot.T Oregon daisy [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus] | Prächtiges Berufkraut {n} | |
| bot.T Oregon daisy [Erigeron speciosus, syn.: E. macranthus, E. speciosus var. macranthus, Stenactis speciosa] | Prächtiger Feinstrahl {m} | |
| bot.T Oregon fir [Abies grandis, syn.: Abies excelsior] | Riesen-Tanne {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon fir [Abies grandis, syn.: Abies excelsior] | Küsten-Tanne {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon fleabane [Am.] [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus] [aspen fleabane] | Aspen-Berufkraut {n} | |
| bot.T Oregon fleabane [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus] | Schöner Feinstrahl {m} | |
| bot.T Oregon fleabane [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus] | Prächtiger Feinstrahl {m} | |
| zool.T Oregon garter snake [Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus] | Oregon-Strumpfbandnatter {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon grape-holly [Mahonia nervosa, syn.: Berberis nervosa] | Nervige Mahonie {f} | |
| zool.T Oregon gray garter snake [Am.] [Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus] | Oregon-Strumpfbandnatter {f} | |
| zool.T Oregon gray squirrel [Am.] [Sciurus griseus] | Westliches Grauhörnchen {n} | |
| orn.T Oregon grouse [Bonasa umbellus, syn.: Tetrao umbellus, Tetrastes umbellus] | Kragenhuhn {n} | |
| bot.T Oregon holly grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Gemeine Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon holly grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | (Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon holly grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon lily [Lilium columbianum, syn.: L. canadense var. parviflorum, L. parviflorum] | Columbia-Lilie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon maple [Acer macrophyllum] | Oregon-Ahorn {m} | |
| bot.T Oregon maple [Acer macrophyllum] | Großblättriger Ahorn {m} | |
| bot.T Oregon maple [Acer macrophyllum] | Großblatt-Ahorn {m} [Oregon-Ahorn] | |
| bot.T Oregon pine [Pseudotsuga menziesii] | Douglastanne {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon pine [Pseudotsuga menziesii] | Douglasfichte {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon pine [Pseudotsuga menziesii] | Douglaskiefer {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon pine [Pseudotsuga menziesii] [Aus.] | Douglasie {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon polemonium [Polemonium carneum] | Fleischfarbene Jakobsleiter {f} | |
| bot.T Oregon stonecrop [Sedum oreganum, syn.: S. oreganum var. metallicum] | Oregon-Fetthenne {f} | |
| fishT Oregon sturgeon [Acipenser transmontanus] | Weißer Stör {m} | |
| orn.T Oregon thrush [Catharus ustulatus, syn.: Hylocichla ustulata, Turdus ustulatus] | Zwergdrossel {f} | |
| mycol.T Oregon white truffle [Tuber gibbosum] | Flaumige Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist: Flaumiger Trüffel {m}] | |
| bot.T Piper's Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Gemeine Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Piper's Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | (Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T Piper's Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T shining Oregon-grape / Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Gemeine Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T shining Oregon-grape / Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | (Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T shining Oregon-grape / Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium] | Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
| bot.T shiny-leaf / shinyleaf Oregon-grape [Mahonia pinnata, syn.: Berberis pinnata] | Fiederblättrige Mahonie {f} | |
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Übersetzung für 'Oregon' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- Oregon <OR> [Beaver State]
- Oregon {n} [US-Bundesstaat]geogr.
- Oregon Territory
- Oregon-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1848-1859)]hist.
- Oregon grape berries
- Mahonienbeeren {pl}bot.gastr.
- (tall) Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium]
- Mahonie {f}bot.T
Gemeine Mahonie {f}bot.T
- (tall) Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium]
- Gewöhnliche Mahonie {f}bot.T
Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- Beale's Oregon-grape [Mahonia bealei, syn.: Berberis bealei, B. japonica var. bealei]
- Beales Mahonie {f} [auch fälschlich: Beals Mahonie]bot.T
- California Oregon-grape [Mahonia pinnata, Berberis pinnata]
- Fiederblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- cascade Oregon-grape [Mahonia nervosa]
- Nervige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- creeping Oregon-grape [Mahonia repens]
- Kriechende Mahonie {f}bot.T
- dull Oregon-grape [Mahonia nervosa]
- Nervige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- dwarf Oregon-grape [Mahonia nervosa]
- Nervige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- holly-leaf Oregon-grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium]
- Gemeine Mahonie {f}bot.T
(Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f}bot.T
Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- long-leaf / longleaf Oregon grape [Mahonia nervosa, syn.: Berberis nervosa]
- Nervige Mahonie {f}T
- Oregon (white) oak [Quercus garryana]
- Oregon-Eiche {f}bot.T
- Oregon ash [Fraxinus latifolia]
- Oregon-Esche {f}bot.T
- Oregon barberry [Mahonia nervosa, syn.: Berberis nervosa]
- Nervige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- Oregon daisy [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus]
- Schöner Feinstrahl {m}bot.T
Prächtiges Berufkraut {n}bot.T
- Oregon daisy [Erigeron speciosus, syn.: E. macranthus, E. speciosus var. macranthus, Stenactis speciosa]
- Prächtiger Feinstrahl {m}bot.T
- Oregon fir [Abies grandis, syn.: Abies excelsior]
- Riesen-Tanne {f}bot.T
Küsten-Tanne {f}bot.T
- Oregon fleabane [Am.] [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus] [aspen fleabane]
- Aspen-Berufkraut {n}bot.T
- Oregon fleabane [Erigeron speciosus, also E. var. speciosus]
- Schöner Feinstrahl {m}bot.T
Prächtiger Feinstrahl {m}bot.T
- Oregon garter snake [Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus]
- Oregon-Strumpfbandnatter {f}zool.T
- Oregon grape-holly [Mahonia nervosa, syn.: Berberis nervosa]
- Nervige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- Oregon gray garter snake [Am.] [Thamnophis atratus hydrophilus]
- Oregon-Strumpfbandnatter {f}zool.T
- Oregon gray squirrel [Am.] [Sciurus griseus]
- Westliches Grauhörnchen {n}zool.T
- Oregon grouse [Bonasa umbellus, syn.: Tetrao umbellus, Tetrastes umbellus]
- Kragenhuhn {n}orn.T
- Oregon holly grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium]
- Gemeine Mahonie {f}bot.T
(Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f}bot.T
Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- Oregon lily [Lilium columbianum, syn.: L. canadense var. parviflorum, L. parviflorum]
- Columbia-Lilie {f}bot.T
- Oregon maple [Acer macrophyllum]
- Oregon-Ahorn {m}bot.T
Großblättriger Ahorn {m}bot.T
Großblatt-Ahorn {m} [Oregon-Ahorn]bot.T
- Oregon pine [Pseudotsuga menziesii]
- Douglastanne {f}bot.T
Douglasfichte {f}bot.T
Douglaskiefer {f}bot.T
- Oregon pine [Pseudotsuga menziesii] [Aus.]
- Douglasie {f}bot.T
- Oregon polemonium [Polemonium carneum]
- Fleischfarbene Jakobsleiter {f}bot.T
- Oregon stonecrop [Sedum oreganum, syn.: S. oreganum var. metallicum]
- Oregon-Fetthenne {f}bot.T
- Oregon sturgeon [Acipenser transmontanus]
- Weißer Stör {m}fishT
- Oregon thrush [Catharus ustulatus, syn.: Hylocichla ustulata, Turdus ustulatus]
- Zwergdrossel {f}orn.T
- Oregon white truffle [Tuber gibbosum]
- Flaumige Trüffel {f} [ugs. meist: Flaumiger Trüffel {m}]mycol.T
- Piper's Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium]
- Gemeine Mahonie {f}bot.T
(Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f}bot.T
Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- shining Oregon-grape / Oregon grape [Mahonia aquifolium, syn.: M. piperiana, Berberis aquifolium, B. piperiana, Odostemon aquifolium]
- Gemeine Mahonie {f}bot.T
(Gewöhnliche) Mahonie {f}bot.T
Stechdornblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- shiny-leaf / shinyleaf Oregon-grape [Mahonia pinnata, syn.: Berberis pinnata]
- Fiederblättrige Mahonie {f}bot.T
- Oregon {n} [US-Bundesstaat] = Oregon <OR> [Beaver State]
- Oregon-Territorium {n} [historisches US-Territorium (1848-1859)] = Oregon Territory
- Oregon-Ahorn {m} = Oregon maple [Acer macrophyllum]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Encyclopedia, Portland State University and the Oregon Historical Society, 6 Oct. 2017, oregonencyclopedia.org/articles/chinese_massacre_at_deep_creek/#.Wnn6n7T81n0.
- The second railroad line was the Oregon Shortline Railroad which built south from Nyssa oregon beginning in 1911, passing through Adrian oregon the line ended after 25 miles in Homedale idaho, in 1922 it was extended Marsing idaho to accommodate additional agricultural traffic.
- "Euxoa lewisi", the oregon dart, is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
- "Leucania oregona", the oregon wainscot, is a species of cutworm or dart moth in the family Noctuidae. It is found in North America.
- "Catoptria oregonicus", the western catoptria or Oregon catoptria moth, is a moth in the family Crambidae.
- Island chains continued to form over Oregon through the Permian period.
- "Lampronia oregonella" is a moth of the family Prodoxidae. In North America it is found in British Columbia, Washington, Oregon and Colorado.
- The specific epithet "oregonense" derives from the name Oregon and the Latin suffix -"ense" (relating to), in reference to western Oregon being its central region of abundance.
- "Calliostoma oregon", common name the Oregon Atlantic top shell, is a species of sea snail, a marine gastropod mollusk in the family Calliostomatidae.
- "Psilocarphus oregonus" is a species of flowering plant in the family Asteraceae known by the common names Oregon woollyheads and Oregon woolly marbles.
- "Valvata oregonensis" was a very common species in eastern Oregon during the Pleistocene.
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