| NOUN | a P-selectin molecule | P-selectin molecules |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
| biochem. P-selectin molecules | P-Selectinmoleküle {pl} | |
Teiltreffer |
| biochem. selectin molecules | Selektinmoleküle {pl} | |
| biochem. selectin molecules | Selectinmoleküle {pl} | |
| biochem. E-selectin molecules | E-Selectinmoleküle {pl} | |
| biochem. E-selectin molecules | E-Selektinmoleküle {pl} | |
| biochem. L-selectin molecules | L-Selektinmoleküle {pl} | |
| biochem. L-selectin molecules | L-Selectinmoleküle {pl} | |
| biochem. P-selectin | P-Selectin {n} | |
| biochem. P-selectin | P-Selektin {n} | |
| biochem. P-selectin molecule | P-Selectinmolekül {n} | |
| naut. length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP> | Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL> | |
| biochem. transfer ribonucleic acid molecules <tRNA molecules> | Transfer-Ribonukleinsäure-Moleküle {pl} <tRNA-Moleküle> | |
| nucl. partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T> | Abtrennung und Umwandlung | |
| stocks price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV> | Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV> | |
| tech. piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID> | Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild> | |
| electr. p-channel / P-channel transistor | p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m} | |
| postage and packing <P&P> | Porto und Verpackung | |
| per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.> | per Prokura <pp., ppa.> | |
| textil. purl [purl stitch] <p, P> | linke Masche {f} <li M> | |
| med. post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.> | postpartal | |
| pharm. quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted] | nach Belieben | |
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'P selectin molecules' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- P-selectin molecules
- P-Selectinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
- selectin molecules
- Selektinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
Selectinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
- E-selectin molecules
- E-Selectinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
E-Selektinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
- L-selectin molecules
- L-Selektinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
L-Selectinmoleküle {pl}biochem.
- P-selectin
- P-Selectin {n}biochem.
P-Selektin {n}biochem.
- P-selectin molecule
- P-Selectinmolekül {n}biochem.
- length between perpendiculars <p/p, p.p., pp, LPP, LBP, Length BPP>
- Länge {f} zwischen den Loten <LzdL>naut.
- transfer ribonucleic acid molecules <tRNA molecules>
- Transfer-Ribonukleinsäure-Moleküle {pl} <tRNA-Moleküle>biochem.
- partitioning and transmutation <P&T, P/T, PT, P-T>
- Abtrennung und Umwandlungnucl.
- price-to-book ratio <P/B ratio, P/BV>
- Kurs-Buchwert-Verhältnis {n} <KBV>stocks
- piping and instrumentation diagram <P&I diagram, P&ID>
- Rohrleitungs- und Instrumentenfließbild {n} <RI-Fließbild>tech.
- p-channel / P-channel transistor
- p-Kanal- / P-Kanal-Transistor {m}electr.
- postage and packing <P&P>
- Porto und Verpackung
- per pro / proc {prep} <p.p.>
- per Prokura <pp., ppa.>
- purl [purl stitch] <p, P>
- linke Masche {f} <li M>textil.
- post-partum {adj} <pp., p.p.>
- postpartalmed.
- quantum placeat / placet {adv} <qu. p.; q. p.; QP> [as much as wanted]
- nach Beliebenpharm.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Activated endothelial cells initially express P-selectin molecules, but within two hours after activation E-selectin expression is favoured.
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