 Übersetzung für 'P2P-' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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peer-to-peer {adj} <P2P>
Peer-to-Peer- <P2P->
purchase to payment <P2P> [e-procurement]
[Prozess von der Beschaffung bis zur Bezahlung] [elektronische Beschaffung]
peer to peer <P2P>
Peer-to-Peer {m} <P2P> [ugs.]
peer-to-peer lending {sg} <P2PL, P2P lending>
Peer-to-Peer-Kredite {pl} <P2P-Kredite>
peer-to-peer network <P2P>
Peer-to-peer-Netzwerk {n} <P2P>
person-to-person lending {sg} <P2P lending>
Peer-to-Peer-Kredite {pl} <P2P-Kredite>
peer-to-peer file sharing <P2P file sharing>
Peer-to-Peer-Filesharing {n} <P2P-Filesharing>
7 Übersetzungen
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  • Peer-to-Peer- <P2P-> = peer-to-peer <P2P>
  • Peer-to-Peer {m} <P2P> [ugs.] = peer to peer <P2P>
  • Peer-to-Peer-Filesharing {n} <P2P-Filesharing> = peer-to-peer file sharing <P2P file sharing>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Moonwink" is the sixth studio album by The Spinto Band. It was released on October 7, 2008 in North America and September 22, 2008 worldwide. It leaked onto various p2p sites on August 7.
  • It has cooperated with BREIN to investigate p2p sites hosted in the Netherlands.
  • A practice that Howard Rheingold and Justin Hall have labeled "p2p Journalism," now exists at the blurred boundary where traditional definitions of journalism and documentary meet and influence each other.
  • In the beginning of October 2008 the p2p section of the site was inaccessible for a short period of time due to a court case outcome ordering ISP provider (Leaseweb) to take down such sites.
  • RawFlow was a provider of live p2p streaming technology that enables internet broadcasting of audio and video. The company's technology is similar to Abacast and Octoshape.

  • He is often requested to participate in TV debates about so-called piracy and p2p file sharing.
  • Business workflow analysis (BWA), also known as business management systems p2p, is a management tool that streamlines, automates and improves the efficiency of business procedures.
  • Although the UK government backed plans to ban p2p users from the internet, it may soon be overturned by strong condemnation from the European Parliament on the grounds of privacy issues and the importance of internet access.
  • The xt parameter specifies the URN for a given p2p protocol.
  • On 31 March 2010, 62-year-old Seiji Sato was spotted by a new p2p surveillance software for sharing "Avatar" and other movies.

  • More recently, the pro-p2p file sharing group Downhill Battle has used the slogan "Home Taping Is Killing the Music Industry, and It's Fun" on T-shirts, and the BitTorrent website "The Pirate Bay" uses the logo of a pirate ship whose sails bear the "tape and bones."
  • This method is used by Kazaa. The weakness of UUHash is exploited by anti-p2p agencies to corrupt downloads.
  • MicroSIP is a portable SIP softphone based on the PJSIP stack available for Microsoft Windows. It facilitates high quality VoIP calls (p2p or on regular telephones) based on the open SIP protocol.
  • In a statement to TorrentFreak, MVGroup admins said they "would like to take this opportunity to thank EZTV in helping us continue our founder's legacy, to spread high quality educational material via p2p, to everyone, for free (...)".
  • iMails are sent via the I2P network, a secure and pseudonymous p2p overlay network on the internet and sender and receiver need not be online at the same time (store-and-forward model).

  • Netagent published a survey in June 2018 suggesting that Winny was still the most popular p2p network in Japan ahead of Perfect Dark (P2P) and Share (P2P) with approximately 45,000 nodes connecting each day over Golden Week.
  • WireShare (formerly known as LimeWire Pirate Edition) is a revival of the LimeWire software (a gnutella p2p-network client).
  • Prior to ProFounder, Jackley was co-founder and chief marketing officer of Kiva, the world's first p2p microlending website.
  • law; internet use, as exemplified by peer-to-peer (p2p) file sharing pushes the envelope.
  • Some consumer's associations and specialized lawyers contend that the current legislation allows file sharing (as with p2p networks) as this is not for profit and is for private use [...][...].

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