 Übersetzung für 'PABA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
SYNO PABA | para aminobenzoic acid
p-aminobenzoic acid <PABA>
p-Aminobenzoesäure {f} <PABA>
para-aminobenzoic acid <PABA>
para-Aminobenzoesäure {f} <PABA>
2 Übersetzungen
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  • p-Aminobenzoesäure {f} <PABA> = p-aminobenzoic acid <PABA>
  • para-Aminobenzoesäure {f} <PABA> = para-aminobenzoic acid <PABA>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In March 2008, he returned to Kazakhstan to fight Donnell Wiggins for the vacant WBC Asian and WBA-PABA interim light-heavyweight titles.
  • popularly known as "Paba", is an actress in Sri Lankan cinema and television and a former member of the Sri Lanka Parliament.
  • Finally, pseudocholinesterase metabolism of procaine results in formation of paraaminobenzoic acid (PABA).
  • The national sport association for baseball, PABA has experienced difficulties such as mismanagement, insufficient resources and a national squad had not been assembled.
  • It is broken down by the pancreatic enzyme chymotrypsin, yielding p-aminobenzoic acid (PABA).

  • Padimate O is an organic compound related to the water-soluble compound PABA (4-aminobenzoic acid) that is used as an ingredient in some sunscreens.
  • Two reactions can take place during the degradation of PABA in the presence of nitrate in water as shown in the figure.
  • At regional level, he has challenged once for the PABA heavyweight title in 2012, and the PABA interim heavyweight title in 2014.
  • Karen Paba is a Venezuelan cosmetologist, entrepreneur and philanthropist whose work centers around eyebrows.
  • The constituency encompasses Mohanpur and Paba upazilas.

  • McCulloch won the IBF Pan Pacific and vacant PABA super-middleweight titles in October 2012 by defeating Les Piper.
  • Ranhat (...) is a village of 8 No. Harian Union of Paba Upazila, Rajshahi, Bangladesh.
  • In 2011, Pittman lost the PABA super middleweight title to fellow Australian boxer Serge Yannick in an unprecedented second round of their match in Hobart, Tasmania.
  • The name "Itapagipe" comes from the Tupi language and means "place of the stone in the river" ("ita", stone + "paba", place + y", river + "pe", in).
  • Benzocaine is the ethyl ester of "p"-aminobenzoic acid (PABA).

  • Acedoben (4-acetamidobenzoic acid or N-acetyl-PABA) is a chemical compound with the molecular formula of C9H9NO3. It is the acetyl derivative of "para"-aminobenzoic acid (PABA).
  • Due to this, WBA discontinued their relationship with PABA.
  • Sulfonamide drugs are structurally similar to PABA, and their antibacterial activity is due to their ability to interfere with the conversion of PABA to folate by the enzyme dihydropteroate synthetase.
  • He fought against Rud 4K Kevkatchewon from Philippines to challenge for the vacant interim title of PABA on November 27, 2003, and he won the title by unanimous decision.
  • Formerly aminodeoxychorismate synthase was referred to as PABA synthase; however this name is no longer recommended as it is understood that the formation of PABA requires the action of a further enzyme (4-amino-4-deoxychorismate lyase).

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