| NOUN | a pacemaker | pacemakers |
| SYNO | artificial pacemaker | cardiac pacemaker | pacemaker | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- An artificial cardiac pacemaker (or artificial pacemaker, so as not to be confused with the natural cardiac pacemaker) or just pacemaker is an implanted medical device that generates electrical impulses delivered by electrodes to the chambers of the heart either the upper atria, or lower ventricles to cause the targeted chambers to contract and pump blood.
- The local response of sino-atrial node pacemaker cells to stretch involves stretch-activated ion channels, as was demonstrated by stretching single isolated pacemaker cells while recording their cellular electrical activity.
- Fixed ventricular parasystole occurs when an ectopic pacemaker is protected by entrance block, and thus its activity is completely independent from the sinus pacemaker activity.
- For some sports and physical activities special pacemaker protection can be worn to prevent possible injuries, or damage to the pacemaker leads.
- In a network driven by a pacemaker, one or more neurons act as a core oscillator (pacemaker) that drives other, non-bursting neurons (follower) into a rhythmic pattern.
- In May 2008, Robertson was fitted with an artificial pacemaker to treat 'complete heart block' and then in January 2010, he underwent a second operation to insert the pacemaker deeper.
- Bio-pacemakers are the outcome of a rapidly emerging field of research into a replacement for the electronic pacemaker.
- In 1982, Rae had a pacemaker implanted. With periodic alterations, the same pacemaker worked for over 30 years, but it stopped abruptly several years before her death.
- In 1960 he implanted a pacemaker provided by Rune Elmqvist from the Karolinska Institute of Sweden. This was the first successful pacemaker implant in America.
- Soon, Inspector Anwar and his wife Salma's only son Iqbal develops a heart condition which can only be cured with a artificial cardiac pacemaker Since the only chemist selling the pacemaker belongs to Don, Inspector Anwar is blackmailed by Don's goons to release Don in exchange for the pacemaker.
- The physiological pacemaker of the heart is the sinoatrial node.
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