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- The village is famous for its beautiful square with tall plane trees . Also near the village there is a chapel dedicated to Saint Paisios of Mount Athos.
- Both Father Arsenios as well Elder Paisios were recognised by the Ecumenical Patriarchate as Orthodox Saints, Arsenios by the Ecumenical Patriarch Demetrios I of Constantinople in 1986 and Paisios by the Ecumenical Patriarch Bartholomew I of Constantinople in 2015.
- On 1 February 1662, the saint's relics were translated due to the metropolitan of Gaza Paisios Ligaridis, who, visiting Lubensk Monastery, had a vision of Athanasius during his sleep.
- Elder Paisios of the Holy Mountain tells such story about a woman who had one true vision.
- The page created a hoax about a posthumous miracle by Elder Paisios which was submitted to various Orthodox, conservative and far-right blogs in July.
- In 2017 on the feast day of Saint Paisios, Metropolitan Nikolaos (Protopappas) of Phthiotis remarked that "Saint Paisios was the saint of the dispirited and of sinners".
- Evnuvios, Paisios and Averikios (" [...] ") were Eastern Orthodox monks from the North Macedonian town of Kičevo who suffered martyrdom in the Immaculate Mother of God Monastery while protecting the Christian religion from the Ottoman army.
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