| NOUN | a propylon | propyla |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
1 Übersetzung
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- More specifically, the gate relief may allude to the propylon (structure forming the entrance) that provides the main direct access to the palace.
- The southern nymphaeum faces the courtyard of Septimius Severus and is next to the propylon (monumental entrance) of the southern baths whose hydraulic system provided it with water.
- The eastern staircase, the top of which is covered by a double-domed propylon, was intended for the entrance of officials to the mosque.
- The sanctuary on its west side was enclosed by a propylon for the visitors to access from the ancient promenade to the Asklepieion site.
- It may have had a cultic function because it is characterised by the same curious orientation as the temple of Apollo (or it was used as a propylon).
- He constructed at his own expense the vestibule ("propylon") for the "Asklépiéion" in Pergamum.
- The propylon is located 60 meters east from the temple, and is lavishly decorated on all sides.
- The building followed a typical Roman forum architectural style, having only one entrance with a propylon of Corinthian order, a high surrounding wall with protruding niches ("oikoi", "exedrae") at its long sides, an inner courtyard surrounded by columns and a decorative oblong pool in the middle.
- Wheel ruts are cut into the stones of the bridge at an oblique angle toward a simple entrance on the west side of the stoa; these cuttings do not go toward the elaborate propylon (monumental entranceway) of the structure north of the stoa as might seem more likely.
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