 Übersetzung für 'Pyro-' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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pyro [coll.] [pyromaniac]Pyromane {m}
pyro equipmentPyro-Ausstattung {f} [auch Pyro-Equipment {n}]
pyro-theology [William Derham]
Pyro-Theologie {f}
3 Übersetzungen
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  • Pyro-Ausstattung {f} [auch Pyro-Equipment {n}] = pyro equipment
  • Pyro-Theologie {f} = pyro-theology [William Derham]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Among more recently introduced traditions are the annual Catalan Wine Fair, a special "correfoc", a 10 km race and the pyro-musical, a display featuring synchronized fireworks, water fountains and music conducted at the base of the Montjuïc mountain.
  • Another pyrochemical process, the PYRO-B process, has been developed for the processing and recycling of fuel from a transmuter reactor ( a fast breeder reactor designed to convert transuranic nuclear waste into fission products ).
  • "Pyroclastic" ("pyro" = igneous, "clastic" = fragment) textures occur when explosive eruptions blast the lava into the air resulting in fragmental, typically glassy material which falls as volcanic ash, lapilli, and volcanic bombs.
  • He and cosmonaut Volkov inspected their Soyuz TMA-12 spacecraft and retrieved a pyro bolt from it.
  • Steel is generally used for the plane on pyro boards because the compound can generally withstand immense amounts of heat and still be able to maintain its structure.

  • Guardian forced Bruno Mannheim into giving up the antidote for the pyro-granulate enabling him to save himself, Jimmy Olsen, and Goody Rickels as wells as the Newsboy Legion.
  • The ITU is involved in both aqueous and pyro separation methods.
  • This formulation resolved the consistency issues, and Hutchings found that an interaction between the greenish stain given to film by pyro developers and the color sensitivity of modern variable-contrast photographic papers gave the effect of an extreme compensating developer.
  • The name "Pyrosoma" derives from the Greek words "pyro", meaning "fire", and "soma", meaning "body".
  • Liquids can be printed at nanoscale by pyro-EHD.

  • A ratio of seven parts potassium perchlorate to three parts dark pyro aluminium is the composition used by most pyrotechnicians.
  • Chants and pyro displays caught the attention of rival fans and players.
  • During 30 years of activity, IKN has altered its business structure from being a cooler specialist to a full range supplier for complete pyro lines.
  • The spider shot pyro from its legs and had eyes that glowed.
  • The most elaborate product is called a “piromusical” (pyro-musical) a set of fireworks synchronized to music and sometimes lights, with an average commercial price of about 10,000 pesos a minute, usually lasting about fourteen minutes.

  • He worked as a pyro-tech for Black Sabbath during their "Heaven and Hell" tour.
  • The condition has been described as like burns from fire on the skin, with a 'burning' itching sensation, hence the word 'Pyro' in 'pyroglyphidae'.
  • Two small pyro-based mortar-deployed pilot parachutes then pulled the main parachutes free.
  • "Aquifex pyrophilus" has a name that references its respiration and its habitat.
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