Übersetzung für '
Q fever' von Englisch nach Deutsch
30 Übersetzungen
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- "Hyalomma" species can also transmit rickettsias like Siberian tick typhus, Boutonneuse fever, and Q fever.
- ... host metabolites, dissolved oxygen), such as with the Q fever pathogen, "Coxiella burnetii".
- A fibrin ring granuloma, also known as doughnut granuloma, is a histopathological finding that is characteristic of Q fever.
- "Coxiella burnetii", the causative agent of Q fever, thrives and replicates in the acidic phagolysosomes of its host cell.
- "Ixodes holocyclus" is also commonly mentioned as a potential vector of Q fever ("Coxiella burnetii").
- Q fever or query fever is a disease caused by infection with "Coxiella burnetii", The bacterium is an obligate intracellular pathogenic parasite.
- IgM may persist for months or even years and therefore false positives may be triggered by Barmah Forest virus, rubella, Q fever or rheumatoid factor.
- Herald Rea Cox (1907–1986) was an American bacteriologist. The bacterial family Coxiellaceae and the genus "Coxiella", which include the organism that causes Q fever, are named after him.
- Huebner's first work on Q Fever was a report he had done on an outbreak of 18 cases that occurred in early 1946 in an NIH laboratory, where he showed a correlation between a spike in cases and the preparation of antigens in yolk sacs, and he prepared another report on a group of 47 patients being treated for the condition at the Public Health Service Hospital in Baltimore.
- For example, Q fever is caused by "Coxiella burnetii" and "Legionella pneumophila" causes Legionnaires' disease and Pontiac fever.
- A Japanese cult called Aum Shinrikyo created laboratories that produced biological weapons, specifically botulinum, anthrax, and Q fever.
- The symptoms of Q fever overlap significantly with those of Laysan fever, and scientists have speculated as to their possible common causes.
- "Coxiella burnetii" is the best known member of this genus. It is an intracellular parasite and it survives within the phagolysosomes of its host. It causes Q fever.
- He was later transferred to Camp Detrick in Frederick, Maryland (1954–1955), where he studied Q fever. He was honorably discharged from the Army with the rank of captain.
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