 Übersetzung für 'QALY' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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quality adjusted life year <QALY>
qualitätskorrigiertes Lebensjahr {n} <QALY>
quality-adjusted life year <QALY>
qualitätsadjustiertes Lebensjahr {n} <QALY>
2 Übersetzungen
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  • qualitätsadjustiertes Lebensjahr {n} <QALY> = quality-adjusted life year <QALY>
  • qualitätskorrigiertes Lebensjahr {n} <QALY> = quality adjusted life year <QALY>
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In the United Kingdom, the National Institute for Health and Care Excellence calculated the cost of belimumab at £61,200 per quality-adjusted life year (QALY).
  • In the UK, NICE refused (late 2008) to recommend sunitinib for late-stage renal cancer (kidney cancer) due to the high cost per QALY, estimated by NICE at £72,000/QALY and by Pfizer at £29,000/QALY.
  • While supporters laud QALY’s efficiency, critics argue that use of QALY can cause medical inefficiencies because a less-effective, cheaper drug may be approved based on its QALY calculation.
  • There are criticisms of QALY. One involves QALY's lack of usefulness to the healthcare provider in determining the applicability of alternative treatments in the individual patient environment, and the absence of incorporating the patient's willingness to pay (i.e. ...
  • The evLYG is used in concert with the Quality-Adjusted Life Year (QALY) to reduce the discriminatory characteristics of the QALY, which has been criticized as being ageist or ableist for placing more value on the lives of younger people without disability.

  • Work by Ifigenia Mavranezouli, then at the University of Sheffield focusing on health economic evaluation created the CORE-6D scoring of six items of the CORE-OM that converts their scores to a QALY (Quality Adjusted Life Year) score.
  • Beresniak is known to have led the ECHOUTCOME project, a European Commission funded research, establishing that the QALY indicator (Quality Adjusted Life Years) is not scientifically validated to be used in Decision making and could lead to divergent results with the same dataset.
  • The following example from NICE explains the QALY principle and the application of the cost per QALY calculation.
  • However, QALY is subjective to each patient and brings up moral dilemmas such as whether or not it is cost-effective to do a life-saving operation for someone who is elderly or has other complications.
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