1 Übersetzung
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- Quality Function Deployment {n} <QFD> [Merkmal-Funktions-Darstellung] = quality function deployment <QFD>
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- The process of quality function deployment (QFD) is described in ISO 16355-1:2015.
- When the concept design is finished it will be sent to manufacturing plant for prototyping, developing a Concurrent Engineering approach by implementing practices such as QFD, DFM/DFA and more.
- In the strict definition, as relates to quality function deployment (QFD), the term customer indicates the external customer of the supplying entity.
- Quality function deployment (QFD) makes use of the Kano model in terms of the structuring of the comprehensive QFD matrices.
- It is a particularly important subject in the quality field, and is taught in many specialized courses including Six Sigma, Lean Six Sigma, and QFD.
- Popular tools that are often used in the systems engineering context were developed during these times, including USL, UML, QFD, and IDEF.
- Some bladder water guns, such as Speedloaders, Water Worms, and Super Chargers, are inflated with water directly from a garden hose using a quick-fill device (QFD).
- Various techniques can be used to make changes such as: Quality function deployment (QFD); failsafing; moving the line of visibility and the line of accessibility; and blueprinting.
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