 Übersetzung für 'QIP' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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quality improvement program <QIP> [Am.]
Qualitätsverbesserungs­programm {n} <QVP>
quality improvement programme <QIP> [Br.]
Qualitätsverbesserungs­programm {n} <QVP>
2 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • In a QIP there are fewer formalities with regard to rules and regulation, as compared to follow-on public issue (FPO) and rights Issue.
  • AICTE has approved this institute as a QIP research center for Ph.D. in engineering and technology in civil, mechanical, Electrical, CS, IT with two seats each.
  • QIP centre for research (Ph.D.) since 2011-12: The seats sanctioned under QIP are 10.
  • Question in Politics (QiP) is the scholarly journal of the Georgia Political Science Association.
  • An online interface for completing the SF-86 is e-QIP, or the Electronic Questionnaires for Investigations Processing.

  • Some QIP packaged ICs had added heatsinking tabs, such as the HA1306W.
  • Other complexity classes defined using interactive proof systems include MIP (multiprover interactive polynomial time) and QIP (quantum interactive polynomial time).
  • By restricting the number of messages used in the protocol to at most "k", we get the complexity class QIP(k).
  • QIP is QIP(k) where k is allowed to be polynomial in the number of qubits. It is known that QIP(3) = QIP. It is also known that QIP = IP = PSPACE.
  • Hong Kong Science and Technology Parks Corporation (HKSTP) and Hong Kong University of Science and Technology (HKUST) started to develop a SIP verification and quality measures framework in 2005, based on QIP metric.

  • The objective is to develop a technical framework for SIP quality measures and evaluation based on QIP.
  • For most cases of beam splitters used in QIP, the incident angle [...].
  • New version of QIP named QIP 2010 contains [...] all features of Infium and interface of QIP 2005.
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