Übersetzung für '
QLD' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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- He has represented QLD in the S14 10 times and represented QLD in other comps 16 times amassing an impressive 9 tries.
- In 2010 Theile was also appointed by the QLD Government to create the HEAT Fashion platform for the promotion of QLD fashion designers in international markets.
- The QLD State Government as of Tuesday 14 February decided to extend the Qld Building Boost for a further 3 months. The new end date for the Qld Building Boost is 30 April 2012.
- tomentella", small trees endemic to small areas of southeastern Queensland (Qld), have obtained the "vulnerable" species Australian government's national conservation status and together also with "C.
- epa.qld.gov.au/parks/iaparks/gds/IAGDS030.do#Lady%20Musgrave%20Island%20campground.
- After being unsigned by the Cronulla Sharks in 2010, Harlen returned to the QLD Cup with the Northern Pride.
- Management of the mall was originally covered by the "Local Government (Queen Street Mall) Act 1981" (Qld), until it was repealed and replaced by the "City of Brisbane Act 2010" (Qld).
- cairns.qld.gov.au/water-waste-roads/water/water-sources-supply via a link to "CRC Water Summary Report".
- Before 1956, NSW had won 75% and Qld only 25% of series played. From 1956 to 1981, NSW dominance soared even higher and Qld wins dwindled to only 3.8% with only 1 series win, in 1959.
- The club unifies both men and women under one name, unlike Queensland's former representation in the Australian Hockey League as the QLD Blade (men) and QLD Scorchers (women).
- On 12 June 2018, Britt was selected to play for the NSW residents side against the QLD residents side. On 24 June, Britt scored a try in NSW residents 36-20 victory over QLD.
- The total number of clubs in the competition was reduced from 19 to 14, with Tuggeranong (ACT), Broadbeach (QLD), Labrador (QLD), Morningside (QLD) and Mt Gravatt (QLD) all having their licenses revoked.
- QLD PNG Representative players have gone on to play for PNG Kumuls, PNG Orchids, Q Cup and NSW Cup teams as well as to various QLD representative sides.
- In 1979 he represented he represented the Qld Police.
- Athletes were Garvin Francis (ACT), Jon Horsburgh (Vic), Michael Sheppard (Qld), David Troung (Qld), and Robbie Vogt (Qld). Coaches were Warren Lawton and Rob Apps.
- Schatz was selected as the 2008 QLD Premier Colts player of the year. He captained Sunnybank to the 2008 QLD Premier Colts premiership.
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