| NOUN | a quote | quotes |
| VERB | to quote | quoted | quoted quoting | quotes |
| SYNO | citation | inverted comma | quotation | ... |
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
VERB to infinitive | simple past | past participle
present participle | 3rd person
| to quote sth. [from a book etc.] | etw. zitieren 2413 | |
| comm.fin. to quote sth. [give estimated price] | etw. anbieten [Preisangebot machen] 1511 | |
| to quote | anführen 759 | |
| to quote sth. [a source, reference number, etc.] | etw.Akk. angeben [eine Quelle, Nummer etc.] 741 | |
| comm. to quote sth. [state price of] | etw. angeben [Preis] 566 | |
| to quote | aufführen [nennen] 479 | |
| stocks to quote | notieren 419 | |
| to quote | entnehmen 411 | |
| to quote [coll.] [estimate] | berechnen [schätzen] 397 | |
| to quote [price] | abgeben [Preis] 375 | |
| fin. to quote | quotieren 333 | |
| acad.spec. to quote sth. [cite a passage, esp. from a medieval law or theology text] | etw.Akk. allegieren 314 | |
| to quote sth. [as example, reason] | etw. anführen [als Grund, Beispiel] 131 | |
| to quote | Preis stellen | |
| to quote | Kurse angeben | |
| to quote | Preis angeben | |
| to quote | Preisangabe machen | |
| to quote | ein Preisangebot machen | |
| stocks to quote | einen Kurs stellen | |
Substantive |
| comm. quote | Angebot {n} 1976 | |
| quote | Spruch {m} [Zitat] 1504 | |
| quote [citation] | Zitat {n} 854 | |
| quote [quotation mark] | Anführungszeichen {n} 606 | |
| quote | Kostenvoranschlag {m} 135 | |
| quote | Preisangebot {n} 96 | |
| quote | Preisangabe {f} 48 | |
| comm. quote | Offerte {f} 32 | |
| quote | Notierung {f} 23 | |
| stocks quote | Kursnotierung {f} 18 | |
| quote | Kursangabe {f} 14 | |
| quote | Börsennotierung {f} 11 | |
| quote | Quotierung {f} 9 | |
| quote | Allegat {n} | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Money quote: [coll.] [Am.] | O-Ton: [zur Einleitung eines zentralen wörtlichen Zitats] | |
| please quote | bitte angeben | |
| quote unquote [coll.] | in Anführungszeichen [zitierter Text] | |
| quote(,) unquote [idiom] [preceding a verbatim quote] | ich zitiere (wörtlich) | |
| to quote sb. {adv} | um jdn. zu zitieren | |
2 Wörter: Verben |
| stocks to quote (at) | handeln (mit) | |
| to quote oneself | sich selbst zitieren [auch: sich selber zitieren; selten: sich zitieren] | |
| to quote prices | Preise angeben | |
| to quote sb. for sth. | jdm. etw. berechnen | |
| to quote verbatim | wortgetreu wiedergeben | |
| to quote-mine | Zitate aus dem Zusammenhang reißen | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| bibl.relig. bible quote [for the day, the week, the month, the year] | Losung {f} [Losungsspruch, Tages-, Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahreslosung] [Bibelzitat] | |
| buying quote | Kaufkurs {m} | |
| direct quote | direktes Preisangebot {n} | |
| direct quote | Originalton {m} [wörtliches Zitat] <O-Ton> | |
| comp. double quote | doppeltes Anführungszeichen {n} [Sonderzeichen] | |
| favorite quote [Am.] | Lieblingszitat {n} | |
| favourite quote [Br.] | Lieblingszitat {n} | |
| firm quote | festes Angebot {n} | |
| free quote [estimate] | kostenloses Angebot {n} | |
| money quote [coll.] [Am.] | zentrales Zitat {n} [z. B. eines Zeitungsartikels, einer Rede] | |
| money quote [coll.] [Am.] | Kernaussage {f} [z. B. eines Zeitungsartikels, einer Rede, in wörtlicher Wiedergabe] | |
| motivational quote | Motivationsspruch {m} | |
| film movie quote | Filmzitat {n} | |
| original quote | Originalzitat {n} | |
| price quote | Preisangebot {n} | |
| quote (by sb./sth.) [citation] | Zitat {n} (von jdm./etw.) | |
| quote / unquote | Anführungszeichen {n} unten / oben | |
| quote from | Zitat {n} aus | |
| quote marks | Anführungszeichen {pl} | |
| quote request | Preisanfrage {f} | |
| quote sign | Anführungszeichen {n} | |
| ling. single quote [single quotation mark] | einfaches Anführungszeichen {n} | |
| verbatim quote | Originalzitat {n} | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| Kindly quote for ... | Bitte Ihre Preisangabe für ... | |
| to quote Thatcher | Originalton Thatcher [fig.] | |
3 Wörter: Verben |
| stocks to enter a quote | einen Kurs einstellen [Börsenmakler] | |
| to quote a precedent | sich auf einen Präzedenzfall berufen | |
| to quote a price | einen Preis nennen | |
| to quote a price | einen Preis angeben | |
| fin. to quote a price | einen Kurs angeben | |
| to quote at par | pari notieren | |
| to quote extracts from sth. | etw. ausschnittsweise zitieren | |
| to quote sb. as saying ... | jdn. mit den Worten ... zitieren | |
| to request for quote | um ein Angebot bitten | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| end of quote | Ende {n} des Zitats | |
| econ. no obligation quote | unverbindlicher Kostenvoranschlag {m} | |
| no obligation quote [coll.] | unverbindliches Angebot {n} | |
4 Wörter: Andere |
| ..., quote, '...', unquote | ..., Zitat, "...", Ende des Zitats | |
| May I quote you? | Darf ich Sie zitieren? [formelle Anrede] | |
| quote, ' ... ', unquote | Zitatanfang " ... " Zitatende | |
| XY said, quote, unquote, ... [preceding a verbatim quote] [use of commas varies] | ... – so XY wörtlich. [nach einem wörtlichen Zitat] [auch mit Komma statt des Gedankenstrichs] | |
4 Wörter: Verben |
| to quote from the Bible | aus der Bibel zitieren | |
| to quote the exact wording | im vollen Wortlaut zitieren | |
| to quote word for word | wortgetreu wiedergeben | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| quote of the day <QOTD> | Zitat {n} des Tages | |
5+ Wörter: Andere |
| idiom Don't quote me on that. | Nimm mich hierbei nicht beim Wort. | |
| quote I often quote myself. I find it adds spice to the conversation. [attributed to George Bernard Shaw] | Ich zitiere mich oft selber. Ich finde es bringt Attraktivität in das Gespräch. | |
| Kindly quote us by return. | Bitte um Angebot postwendend. | |
| Kindly quote us your price. | Bitte geben Sie uns Ihren Preis. | |
| comm. Please quote in all correspondence. [reference] | Bitte stets angeben. [Zeichen] | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'Quote' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- to quote sth. [from a book etc.]
- etw. zitieren
- to quote sth. [give estimated price]
- etw. anbieten [Preisangebot machen]comm.fin.
- to quote
- anführen
aufführen [nennen]
Preis stellen
Kurse angeben
Preis angeben
Preisangabe machen
ein Preisangebot machen
einen Kurs stellenstocks
- to quote sth. [a source, reference number, etc.]
- etw.Akk. angeben [eine Quelle, Nummer etc.]
- to quote sth. [state price of]
- etw. angeben [Preis]comm.
- to quote [coll.] [estimate]
- berechnen [schätzen]
- to quote [price]
- abgeben [Preis]
- to quote sth. [cite a passage, esp. from a medieval law or theology text]
- etw.Akk. allegierenacad.spec.
- to quote sth. [as example, reason]
- etw. anführen [als Grund, Beispiel]
- quote
- Angebot {n}comm.
Spruch {m} [Zitat]
Kostenvoranschlag {m}
Preisangebot {n}
Preisangabe {f}
Offerte {f}comm.
Notierung {f}
Kursnotierung {f}stocks
Kursangabe {f}
Börsennotierung {f}
Quotierung {f}
Allegat {n}
- quote [citation]
- Zitat {n}
- quote [quotation mark]
- Anführungszeichen {n}
- Money quote: [coll.] [Am.]
- O-Ton: [zur Einleitung eines zentralen wörtlichen Zitats]
- please quote
- bitte angeben
- quote unquote [coll.]
- in Anführungszeichen [zitierter Text]
- quote(,) unquote [idiom] [preceding a verbatim quote]
- ich zitiere (wörtlich)
- to quote sb. {adv}
- um jdn. zu zitieren
- to quote (at)
- handeln (mit)stocks
- to quote oneself
- sich selbst zitieren [auch: sich selber zitieren; selten: sich zitieren]
- to quote prices
- Preise angeben
- to quote sb. for sth.
- jdm. etw. berechnen
- to quote verbatim
- wortgetreu wiedergeben
- to quote-mine
- Zitate aus dem Zusammenhang reißen
- bible quote [for the day, the week, the month, the year]
- Losung {f} [Losungsspruch, Tages-, Wochen-, Monats- oder Jahreslosung] [Bibelzitat]bibl.relig.
- buying quote
- Kaufkurs {m}
- direct quote
- direktes Preisangebot {n}
Originalton {m} [wörtliches Zitat] <O-Ton>
- double quote
- doppeltes Anführungszeichen {n} [Sonderzeichen]comp.
- favorite quote [Am.]
- Lieblingszitat {n}
- favourite quote [Br.]
- Lieblingszitat {n}
- firm quote
- festes Angebot {n}
- free quote [estimate]
- kostenloses Angebot {n}
- money quote [coll.] [Am.]
- zentrales Zitat {n} [z. B. eines Zeitungsartikels, einer Rede]
Kernaussage {f} [z. B. eines Zeitungsartikels, einer Rede, in wörtlicher Wiedergabe]
- motivational quote
- Motivationsspruch {m}
- movie quote
- Filmzitat {n}film
- original quote
- Originalzitat {n}
- price quote
- Preisangebot {n}
- quote (by sb./sth.) [citation]
- Zitat {n} (von jdm./etw.)
- quote / unquote
- Anführungszeichen {n} unten / oben
- quote from
- Zitat {n} aus
- quote marks
- Anführungszeichen {pl}
- quote request
- Preisanfrage {f}
- quote sign
- Anführungszeichen {n}
- single quote [single quotation mark]
- einfaches Anführungszeichen {n}ling.
- verbatim quote
- Originalzitat {n}
- Kindly quote for ...
- Bitte Ihre Preisangabe für ...
- to quote Thatcher
- Originalton Thatcher [fig.]
- to enter a quote
- einen Kurs einstellen [Börsenmakler]stocks
- to quote a precedent
- sich auf einen Präzedenzfall berufen
- to quote a price
- einen Preis nennen
einen Preis angeben
einen Kurs angebenfin.
- to quote at par
- pari notieren
- to quote extracts from sth.
- etw. ausschnittsweise zitieren
- to quote sb. as saying ...
- jdn. mit den Worten ... zitieren
- to request for quote
- um ein Angebot bitten
- end of quote
- Ende {n} des Zitats
- no obligation quote
- unverbindlicher Kostenvoranschlag {m}econ.
- no obligation quote [coll.]
- unverbindliches Angebot {n}
- ..., quote, '...', unquote
- ..., Zitat, "...", Ende des Zitats
- May I quote you?
- Darf ich Sie zitieren? [formelle Anrede]
- quote, ' ... ', unquote
- Zitatanfang " ... " Zitatende
- XY said, quote, unquote, ... [preceding a verbatim quote] [use of commas varies]
- ... – so XY wörtlich. [nach einem wörtlichen Zitat] [auch mit Komma statt des Gedankenstrichs]
- to quote from the Bible
- aus der Bibel zitieren
- to quote the exact wording
- im vollen Wortlaut zitieren
- to quote word for word
- wortgetreu wiedergeben
- quote of the day <QOTD>
- Zitat {n} des Tages
- Don't quote me on that.
- Nimm mich hierbei nicht beim Wort.idiom
- I often quote myself. I find it adds spice to the conversation. [attributed to George Bernard Shaw]
- Ich zitiere mich oft selber. Ich finde es bringt Attraktivität in das Gespräch.quote
- Kindly quote us by return.
- Bitte um Angebot postwendend.
- Kindly quote us your price.
- Bitte geben Sie uns Ihren Preis.
- Please quote in all correspondence. [reference]
- Bitte stets angeben. [Zeichen]comm.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- Templeton is seen not making phone calls and then submits an incredibly worded quote.
- The "he can lick me in the arse" quote became known euphemistically as the Swabian salute or "the Götz quote".
- In 2018, New Berlin West halted its yearbook distribution after the school learned that a senior student chose a yearbook quote referring to the Holocaust.
- The quote attributed to Edmund Burke by Dr. Lyman Hall in a key scene with Adams is a paraphrase of a real quote by Burke.
- The transition from low-quote to high-quote schematisations is bridged by Ekman-like schematisations where air-to-air friction, Coriolis and pressure forces are in balance.
- We quote from W. W. H. Davis "The History of Bucks County, Pennsylvania" published in 1876 (2nd edition 1905). For a more complete quote see the article on his father Henry Stauffer.
- Hicks explained the title to the "Los Angeles Times" by referencing a quote he attributed to Thomas Jefferson, although the veracity of the quote is not confirmed.
- The code lacked any quote characters so £ (UK Pound Sign) was used for open quote and ?
- Note that variable $a accepts characters inside a double quote or single quote as the same string.
- Roth's quote "We're bigger than U.S. Steel", when boasting how much more successful organized crime is compared with this multinational, was based on a similar quote by gangster Meyer Lansky.
- The quote "There's a sucker born every minute, but none of them ever die" is often attributed to P.
- The panel had to guess which of three celebrities said a particular quote read out by the guest narrator.
- In June 2021, Tower launched Quick Quote, a simple online quoting tool that automatically pulls publicly available sources and pre-populates information to cut down the number of questions asked for customers when sourcing an insurance quote.
- North American publishers of English texts tend to favour double quotation marks for the primary quotation, switching to single for any quote-within-a-quote, while British and Commonwealth publishers may use either single or double for primary quotation, also switching to the alternative for any nested.
- The episode's title is a quote from "West with the Night" by Beryl Markham, and the quote is found in a letter to Rosie.
- Keegan's quote narrowly beat Eric Cantona of Manchester United to the Quote of the Decade award after his famous 'sardines' quote.
- Quote in conjunction to Reiss' work in Hachi, Japan and her Satoyama Story portrait project. Reiss is quoted within this quote.
- Traditionally, all of these documents would be developed in detail during a design review after a quote has been agreed to.
- Noted that the case particle「 [...] 」has the function to indicates a preceding quote, and a quote should be considered as an independent sentence to use the linking rule.
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