| right {adv} <r.> | rechts <r.> 849 | |
| unit ronna- {prefix} <R> [10 ^ 27] | Ronna- <R> | |
| unit ronto- {prefix} <r> [10 ^ -27] | Ronto- <r> | |
Substantive |
| mil. R&R [rest and recuperation / recreation] | Heimaturlaub {m} 34 | |
| aviat.meteo. rain <r, RA> | Regen {m} [Regenwetter] 21 | |
| econ.tech. return <R> | Rücknahme {f} <R> 20 | |
| biochem. arginine <Arg, R> [C6H14N4O2] | Arginin {n} <Arg, R> 13 | |
| unit roentgen <R> | Röntgen {n} <R> 13 | |
| jobsmed. physiatrist <PM&R physician> | Physiater {m} [Naturheilarzt] 5 | |
| curr. real <BRL, R$> [Brazilian currency] | Real {m} <BRL, R$> [brasilianische Währung] 5 | |
| jobsmed. physiatrist <PM&R physician> | Facharzt {m} für Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin [deutsche Berufsbezeichnung] | |
| ling. R [letter] | R {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| ling.print r [letter] | r {n} [Buchstabe] | |
| relig. Redemptorists <C.Ss.R, CSSR> | Redemptoristen {pl} <C.Ss.R, CSSR> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| mus. rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB> | |
| relig. Theatines <C.R.> | Theatiner {pl} | |
| relig. Theatines <C.R.> | Chietiner {pl} [Theatiner] | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| med.pharm. as needed {adv} <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata] | bei Bedarf | |
| econ.law company's risk <C.R.> | auf Gefahr der Gesellschaft | |
| no risk <N/R, n.r.> | ohne Risiko | |
| R-rated {adj} [Am.] | freigegeben ab 17 Jahren | |
| rated R {adj} [Am.] | freigegeben ab 17 Jahren | |
| u r [sl.] [you are] | du bist | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| phonet. apical R | Zungenspitzen-R {n} | |
| curr. Brazilian real <BRL, R$> | Brasilianischer Real {m} <BRL, R$> | |
| comp. CD-R [Compact Disc Recordable] | CD-R {f} [beschreibbare Compact Disc] | |
| psych. consciousness raising <CR, C-R> | Consciousness-Raising {n} <CR> | |
| ling.phonet. consonantal R | konsonantisches R {n} | |
| unit degree Rankine <°R, °Ra> | Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| unit degree Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °R> | Grad {m} {n} Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °Réaumur, °R> | |
| unit degree Roemer <°Rø, °R> [spv.] | Grad {m} {n} Rømer <°Rø> | |
| unit degree Rømer <°Rø, °R> | Grad {m} {n} Rømer <°Rø> | |
| mil. Don R [dated] [despatch rider WW2] [Br.] | Kradmelder {m} | |
| electr. DVD-R | DVD-R {f} | |
| biol. fibronectin receptor <FN-R, FnR> | Fibronektin-Rezeptor {m} <FN-R, FnR> [auch: Fibronektinrezeptor] | |
| phonet. flapped R [ɾ] | geschlagenes R {n} | |
| phonet. guttural R | Zäpfchen-R {n} | |
| biochem. leptin receptor <LEPR, LEP-R> | Leptinrezeptor {m} <LEPR, LEP-R> | |
| mate's receipt <M.R.> | Bordbescheinigung {f} | |
| owner's risk <O.R.> | Eigners Gefahr {f} | |
| dent.tools R forceps {pl} [one pair] | Zahnzange {f} für die rechte Seite | |
| dent.tools R forceps {pl} [one pair] | Zahnextraktionszange {f} für die rechte Seite | |
| R number | R-Wert {m} | |
| med. R wave | R-Zacke {f} | |
| tech. R-clip | (einfacher) Federstecker {m} [R-Clip] | |
| constr. R-mesh [reinforcing sheet with rectangular mesh openings] | R-Matte {f} [Betonstahlmatte mit rechteckigen Maschenweiten] | |
| math. R-module [algebra] | R-Modul {m} [Algebra] | |
| chem.ecol.EU R-phrase [risk phrase] | R-Satz {m} [Risikosatz] | |
| tech. R-pin | Federstecker {m} | |
| astron.phys. r-process [rapid neutron-capture process] | r-Prozess {m} | |
| biol.ecol. r-selection | r-Selektion {f} | |
| biol.ecol. r-strategist | r-Stratege {m} | |
| biol.ecol. r-strategy | r-Strategie {f} | |
| R-word [euphemism for the use of the word retard] | [verschleiernde Bezeichnung für das Schimpfwort »retard«] | |
| econ. R&D activities | FuE-Aktivitäten {pl} | |
| econ. R&D services | F&E-Dienstleistungen {pl} | |
| mil. Regular Army <R.A.> | gewöhnliches / stehendes Heer {n} | |
| reproduction number <R> | Reproduktionszahl {f} <R> | |
| aviat. restricted area <ED-R> | Flugbeschränkungsgebiet {n} <ED-R> | |
| retardation factor <R> | Retardationsfaktor {m} <R> | |
| phonet. rolled R | gerolltes R {n} | |
| phonet. rolled R | Zungenspitzen-R {n} | |
| ling.phonet. rolled r | Zungen-r {n} | |
| ling.phonet. rolled r | Zungen-R {n} | |
| phonet. rolling R | rollendes R {n} | |
| transp. routing order <R/O> | Versandvorschrift {f} [des Frachtzahlers] | |
| med. S.T.A.R. prosthesis [Scandinavian total ankle replacement] | S.T.A.R.-Prothese {f} | |
| relig. Somaschi (Fathers) <CRS, C.R.S.> | Somasker {pl} | |
| phonet. uvular R | Zäpfchen-R {n} | |
| ling.phonet. vocalic R | vokalisches R {n} | |
| warehouse receipt <W/R> | Empfangsbestätigung {f} des Lagerhauses | |
3 Wörter: Andere |
| against all risks {adv} <a.a.r.> | gegen alle Risiken | |
| against all risks {adv} <a.a.r.> | gegen alle Gefahren | |
| free on rail <f.o.r.> | frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort | |
| traffic Park & Ride <P&R, P+R> [Br.] [traffic sign] | Parken und Reisen [Verkehrszeichen] | |
| pro rata temporis {adj} <p.r.t.> | zeitanteilig | |
| pro rata temporis {adj} <p.r.t.> | entsprechend dem Zeitablauf | |
| idiom R for Robert | R wie Richard | |
| idiom R for Romeo [Br.] | R wie Romeo [Fliegeralphabet] | |
| idiommil. R for Romeo [NATO phonetic alphabet] | R wie Romeo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel] | |
| Rest in Peace <R.I.P.> | Ruhe in Frieden | |
| Rest in peace. <R.I.P.> [idiom] | Ruhe sanft. | |
| with reference to {prep} <w.r.t.> | bezüglich [+Gen.] <bzgl.> | |
| with respect to {prep} <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt> | bezüglich [+Gen.] | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| chem. (substance) amount ratio <R, r, mol/mol> | Stoffmengenverhältnis {n} <R, r, mol/mol> | |
| unit 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra> | 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| chem. amino-R salt | Amino-R-Salz {n} | |
| med. basic reproduction number <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] | Basisreproduktionszahl {f} <R0> [Epidemiologie] | |
| med. basic reproductive rate <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] | Basisreproduktionsrate {f} [Epidemiologie] | |
| med. basic reproductive ratio <R0, r nought> [epidemiology] | Basisreproduktionsrate {f} <R0> [Epidemiologie] | |
| med. case reproductive rate <R> [net reproductive case] | Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie] | |
| fishhunting catch and release <C&R> | Fangen und Freilassen | |
| comp. CD-R drive | CD-R-Laufwerk {n} | |
| relig. Clerics Regular Minor <CRM, C.R.M.> | Mindere Regularkleriker {pl} | |
| phys. critical rotational position <CRP, C.R.P.> | kritische Rotationsposition {f} <KRP> | |
| mus. favorite R&B recording [Am.] | Lieblings-R&B-Aufnahme {f} | |
| phys. general gas constant [universal gas constant] <R> | allgemeine Gaskonstante {f} <R> | |
| phys. ideal gas constant <R> | ideale Gaskonstante {f} <R> | |
| mil. intelligence and reconnaissance <I & R> | Aufklärung und Erkundung | |
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Übersetzung für 'R$' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- right {adv} <r.>
- rechts <r.>
- ronna- {prefix} <R> [10 ^ 27]
- Ronna- <R>unit
- ronto- {prefix} <r> [10 ^ -27]
- Ronto- <r>unit
- R&R [rest and recuperation / recreation]
- Heimaturlaub {m}mil.
- rain <r, RA>
- Regen {m} [Regenwetter]aviat.meteo.
- return <R>
- Rücknahme {f} <R>econ.tech.
- arginine <Arg, R> [C6H14N4O2]
- Arginin {n} <Arg, R>biochem.
- roentgen <R>
- Röntgen {n} <R>unit
- physiatrist <PM&R physician>
- Physiater {m} [Naturheilarzt]jobsmed.
Facharzt {m} für Physikalische und Rehabilitative Medizin [deutsche Berufsbezeichnung]jobsmed.
- real <BRL, R$> [Brazilian currency]
- Real {m} <BRL, R$> [brasilianische Währung]curr.
- R [letter]
- R {n} [Buchstabe]ling.
- r [letter]
- r {n} [Buchstabe]ling.print
- Redemptorists <C.Ss.R, CSSR>
- Redemptoristen {pl} <C.Ss.R, CSSR>relig.
- rhythm'n'blues <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>
- Rhythm'n'Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
Rhythm and Blues {m} <R&B, R'n'B, RnB>mus.
- Theatines <C.R.>
- Theatiner {pl}relig.
Chietiner {pl} [Theatiner]relig.
- as needed {adv} <p.r.n., PRN> [pro re nata]
- bei Bedarfmed.pharm.
- company's risk <C.R.>
- auf Gefahr der Gesellschaftecon.law
- no risk <N/R, n.r.>
- ohne Risiko
- R-rated {adj} [Am.]
- freigegeben ab 17 Jahren
- rated R {adj} [Am.]
- freigegeben ab 17 Jahren
- u r [sl.] [you are]
- du bist
- apical R
- Zungenspitzen-R {n}phonet.
- Brazilian real <BRL, R$>
- Brasilianischer Real {m} <BRL, R$>curr.
- CD-R [Compact Disc Recordable]
- CD-R {f} [beschreibbare Compact Disc]comp.
- consciousness raising <CR, C-R>
- Consciousness-Raising {n} <CR>psych.
- consonantal R
- konsonantisches R {n}ling.phonet.
- degree Rankine <°R, °Ra>
- Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra>unit
- degree Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °R>
- Grad {m} {n} Réaumur <°Ré, °Re, °Réaumur, °R>unit
- degree Roemer <°Rø, °R> [spv.]
- Grad {m} {n} Rømer <°Rø>unit
- degree Rømer <°Rø, °R>
- Grad {m} {n} Rømer <°Rø>unit
- Don R [dated] [despatch rider WW2] [Br.]
- Kradmelder {m}mil.
- DVD-R {f}electr.
- fibronectin receptor <FN-R, FnR>
- Fibronektin-Rezeptor {m} <FN-R, FnR> [auch: Fibronektinrezeptor]biol.
- flapped R [ɾ]
- geschlagenes R {n}phonet.
- guttural R
- Zäpfchen-R {n}phonet.
- leptin receptor <LEPR, LEP-R>
- Leptinrezeptor {m} <LEPR, LEP-R>biochem.
- mate's receipt <M.R.>
- Bordbescheinigung {f}
- owner's risk <O.R.>
- Eigners Gefahr {f}
- R forceps {pl} [one pair]
- Zahnzange {f} für die rechte Seitedent.tools
Zahnextraktionszange {f} für die rechte Seitedent.tools
- R number
- R-Wert {m}
- R wave
- R-Zacke {f}med.
- R-clip
- (einfacher) Federstecker {m} [R-Clip]tech.
- R-mesh [reinforcing sheet with rectangular mesh openings]
- R-Matte {f} [Betonstahlmatte mit rechteckigen Maschenweiten]constr.
- R-module [algebra]
- R-Modul {m} [Algebra]math.
- R-phrase [risk phrase]
- R-Satz {m} [Risikosatz]chem.ecol.EU
- R-pin
- Federstecker {m}tech.
- r-process [rapid neutron-capture process]
- r-Prozess {m}astron.phys.
- r-selection
- r-Selektion {f}biol.ecol.
- r-strategist
- r-Stratege {m}biol.ecol.
- r-strategy
- r-Strategie {f}biol.ecol.
- R-word [euphemism for the use of the word retard]
- [verschleiernde Bezeichnung für das Schimpfwort »retard«]
- R&D activities
- FuE-Aktivitäten {pl}econ.
- R&D services
- F&E-Dienstleistungen {pl}econ.
- Regular Army <R.A.>
- gewöhnliches / stehendes Heer {n}mil.
- reproduction number <R>
- Reproduktionszahl {f} <R>
- restricted area <ED-R>
- Flugbeschränkungsgebiet {n} <ED-R>aviat.
- retardation factor <R>
- Retardationsfaktor {m} <R>
- rolled R
- gerolltes R {n}phonet.
Zungenspitzen-R {n}phonet.
- rolled r
- Zungen-r {n}ling.phonet.
Zungen-R {n}ling.phonet.
- rolling R
- rollendes R {n}phonet.
- routing order <R/O>
- Versandvorschrift {f} [des Frachtzahlers]transp.
- S.T.A.R. prosthesis [Scandinavian total ankle replacement]
- S.T.A.R.-Prothese {f}med.
- Somaschi (Fathers) <CRS, C.R.S.>
- Somasker {pl}relig.
- uvular R
- Zäpfchen-R {n}phonet.
- vocalic R
- vokalisches R {n}ling.phonet.
- warehouse receipt <W/R>
- Empfangsbestätigung {f} des Lagerhauses
- against all risks {adv} <a.a.r.>
- gegen alle Risiken
gegen alle Gefahren
- free on rail <f.o.r.>
- frei Bahn-Waggon Abgangsort
- Park & Ride <P&R, P+R> [Br.] [traffic sign]
- Parken und Reisen [Verkehrszeichen]traffic
- pro rata temporis {adj} <p.r.t.>
- zeitanteilig
entsprechend dem Zeitablauf
- R for Robert
- R wie Richardidiom
- R for Romeo [Br.]
- R wie Romeo [Fliegeralphabet]idiom
- R for Romeo [NATO phonetic alphabet]
- R wie Romeo [NATO-Buchstabiertafel]idiommil.
- Rest in Peace <R.I.P.>
- Ruhe in Frieden
- Rest in peace. <R.I.P.> [idiom]
- Ruhe sanft.
- with reference to {prep} <w.r.t.>
- bezüglich [+Gen.] <bzgl.>
- with respect to {prep} <WRT, w.r.t, w/r/t, wrt>
- bezüglich [+Gen.]
- (substance) amount ratio <R, r, mol/mol>
- Stoffmengenverhältnis {n} <R, r, mol/mol>chem.
- 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra>
- 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra>unit
- amino-R salt
- Amino-R-Salz {n}chem.
- basic reproduction number <R0, r nought> [epidemiology]
- Basisreproduktionszahl {f} <R0> [Epidemiologie]med.
- basic reproductive rate <R0, r nought> [epidemiology]
- Basisreproduktionsrate {f} [Epidemiologie]med.
- basic reproductive ratio <R0, r nought> [epidemiology]
- Basisreproduktionsrate {f} <R0> [Epidemiologie]med.
- case reproductive rate <R> [net reproductive case]
- Nettoreproduktionsrate {f} <R, r> [Epidemiologie]med.
- catch and release <C&R>
- Fangen und Freilassenfishhunting
- CD-R drive
- CD-R-Laufwerk {n}comp.
- Clerics Regular Minor <CRM, C.R.M.>
- Mindere Regularkleriker {pl}relig.
- critical rotational position <CRP, C.R.P.>
- kritische Rotationsposition {f} <KRP>phys.
- favorite R&B recording [Am.]
- Lieblings-R&B-Aufnahme {f}mus.
- general gas constant [universal gas constant] <R>
- allgemeine Gaskonstante {f} <R>phys.
- ideal gas constant <R>
- ideale Gaskonstante {f} <R>phys.
- intelligence and reconnaissance <I & R>
- Aufklärung und Erkundungmil.
- rechts <r.> = right <r.>
- Rücknahme {f} <R> = return <R>
- Arginin {n} <Arg, R> = arginine <Arg, R> [C6H14N4O2]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The R-381T Taran complex can also be set up to comprise five vehicles: two R-381T2s, two R-381T1s, and a single R-381T3.
- The song is a fast-paced, rising and falling tone "tr'r'r'R'E'E'E'E'E'R'r'r'r'r". The call is a sharp "kwi-di-dik".
- The rufous-necked puffbird's song is "a long, descending musical trill, indistinguishable from songs of White-chested fusca" and Semicollared semicincta" puffbirds." Calls include "a thin "seeeee" whistle" and "an agitated harsh rasping series: "trr'r'r'r'r-SHEEAH trr'r'r'r'r-SHEEAH trr'r'r'r'r-SHEEAH...".
- Let "R"1, "R"2, "R"3, "R" be rings, not necessarily commutative.
- The proposed subspecies "M. r. "dalegibbonsi", "M. r. "euanedwardsi", "M. r. "haydnmacphiei", "M. r. "neilsonnemani", "M. r. "patrickcouperi", and "M. r. "stuartbigmorei" have not found general acceptance.
- Just as with linking R, intrusive R may also occur between a root morpheme and certain suffixes, such as "draw(r)ing", "withdraw(r)al", or "Kafka(r)esque".
- Cartesian products were first developed by René Descartes in the context of analytic geometry. If R denotes the set of all real numbers, then R2 := R × R represents the Euclidean plane and R3 := R × R × R represents three-dimensional Euclidean space.
- It is not to be confused with Ȓ ("R" with inverted breve), R̄ ("R" with macron) or Ř ("R" with háček).
- R-454B is not the only blend of R-32 and R-1234yf to be proposed as a refrigerant. Other blends include R-454A (35 percent R-32, 65 percent R-1234yf) and R-454C (21.5 percent R-32, 78.5 percent R1234yf). There are also several blends that include a third component.
- Major known subclades of R-Z18 include R-ZP156, R-S11601, R-DF95, R-FGC7637, R-Z2396, R-S6119 and R-Z17. although they continue to increase as more are found.
- In the common case where the transmitter and the receiver are at the same location, "R"t = "R"r and the term "R"t² "R"r² can be replaced by "R"4, where "R" is the range.
- (r, θ) are the curvilinear coordinates, and the Jacobian determinant of the transformation ("r",θ) → ("r" cos θ, "r" sin θ) is "r".
- R. R. Venkat (1966/1967 – 27 September 2021) was an Indian film producer known primarily for his works in Telugu cinema. He owned the distribution house R. R. Movie Makers.
- In the 2014 election cycle, NAGR's endorsements included Chris McDaniel (R-MS), Scott Renfroe (R-CO), Joe Miller (R-AK) and Mike Turner (R-OH).
- Since "b'r" and "c'r" enter into "K" only as a product "b'r'c'r" there is no loss of generality in assuming that the "b'r" are all equal to 1.
- "r"t ≠ "r"1−1 then at least one of the products "r"1"r"2,...,"r"t−1"r"t, "r"t"r"1 is freely reduced as written.
- Examples include sulfamyl fluoride, where R, R' is H; difluorosulfamyl fluoride, where R and R' is F; dimethylsulfamoyl fluoride where R and R' is a methyl CH3 group; N-sulfinylsulfamoyl fluoride where R, R1 are replaced by a double bond to S=O; chloro(trifluoro-methyl)sulfamoyl fluoride where R=Cl and R' is trifluoromethyl CF3.
- The non-squeezing theorem tells us that if we can find a symplectic embedding "φ" : "B"("R") → "Z"("r") then "R" ≤ "r".
- "R. chrysopyguus", "R. cirnei", and "R. petersi" are allopatrically distributed; with the more recently discovered "R. udzungwensis" and subspecies "R. cirnei reichardi" exhibiting parapatric distributions.
- Hiyya had several brothers: R. Nathan ha-Kohen, also known as R. Kohen (or R. Nathan) b. Abba; Rabbannai, or R. Bannai; and R. Simeon ben Abba. He had several children, including R. Abba, R. Kahanah, and R. Nehemiah.
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