SYNO | atomic number 88 | celestial longitude | Ra | ... |
| aviat.meteo. rain <r, RA> | Regen {m} [Regenwetter] 21 | |
| chem. radium <Ra> | Radium {n} <Ra> 16 | |
2 Wörter: Andere |
| Ta-ra! [N. Engl.] [coll.] | Auf Wiedersehen! | |
2 Wörter: Substantive |
| unit degree Rankine <°R, °Ra> | Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| med.QM rapid assessment <RA> | Rapid Assessment {n} <RA> [HTA-Bericht im Schnellverfahren] | |
| phys.unit Rayleigh number <Ra> | Rayleigh-Zahl {f} <Ra> | |
| med. reactive arthritis <RA> | reaktive Arthritis {f} <RA> | |
| comp.QM registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards] | Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur] | |
| MedTech.phys. relative anisotropy <RA> | relative Anisotropie {f} <RA> | |
| comp. remote access <RA> | Remote Access {m} <RA> | |
| law remuneration agreement <RA> | Vergütungsvereinbarung {f} <VV> | |
| med. renal amyloidosis <RA> | Nierenamyloidose {f} <NA> | |
| anat. renal artery <RA> [Arteria renalis] | Nierenarterie {f} | |
| admin.educ.pol. representative assembly <RA> | Repräsentativversammlung {f} <RV> | |
| comp.econ. requirements analysis <RA> | Erhebung {f} der Anforderungen | |
| comp.econ.QM requirements analysis <RA> | Anforderungserhebung {f} | |
| comp.econ.QM requirements analysis <RA> | Erheben {n} der Anforderungen | |
| econ.QMtech. requirements analysis <RA> | Anforderungsanalyse {f} <AA> | |
| resident assistant <RA> [Am.] | [Student, der im Wohnheim Hausmeisterpflichten versieht] | |
| med. respiratory acidosis <RA> | respiratorische Azidose {f} <RA> | |
| responsibility agreement <RA> | Zuständigkeitsvereinbarung {f} | |
| anat. retinal artery <RA> [Arteria retinae] | Netzhautarterie {f} | |
| med. rheumatoid arthritis <RA> | Gelenkrheumatismus {m} | |
| med. rheumatoid arthritis <RA> | Rheumatoidarthritis {f} <RA> | |
| med. rheumatoid arthritis <RA> | rheumatoide Arthritis {f} <RA> | |
| astron. right ascension <RA, α> | Rektaszension {f} <α, a> | |
| anat. right atrium <RA> [Atrium dextrum] | rechter Vorhof {m} <RA> [Herz] | |
| anat. right atrium <RA> [Atrium dextrum] | rechtes Atrium {n} <RA> [Herz] | |
| QM risk analysis <RA> | Risikoanalyse {f} <RA> | |
| econ.fin.QM risk appetite <RA> | Risikoneigung {f} [Risikomanagement] | |
| econ.fin.QM risk appetite <RA> | Risikobereitschaft {f} [Risikomanagement] | |
| econ.fin.QM risk appetite <RA> [risk management] | Risikoappetit {m} <RA> [Risikomanagement] | |
| fin. risk assessment <RA> | Risikomessung {f} <RM> [seltener für: Risikoabschätzung, Risikobeurteilung] | |
| QM risk assessment <RA> [risk analysis + risk evaluation] | Risikobeurteilung {f} <RB> [Risikoanalyse + Risikobewertung] | |
| chem. rosmarinic acid <RA> | Rosmarinsäure {f} [fachspr.: Phenylacrylsäure] | |
| MedTech. rotation angiography <RA> | Rotationsangiographie {f} <RA> | |
| MedTech. rotational angiography <RA> | Rotationsangiografie {f} <RA> | |
| roughness average <Ra> | Mittenrauwert {m} <Ra> | |
3 Wörter: Substantive |
| unit 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra> | 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra> | |
| Eye of Ra | Auge {n} des Re | |
4 Wörter: Substantive |
| MedTech. three-dimensional rotational angiography <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA> | dreidimensionale Rotationsangiographie {f} <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA> | |
5+ Wörter: Substantive |
| rail close doors/right away indicators <CD/RA> [Br.] | Anzeigen {pl} für Türenschließen und Abfahrt | |
Neue Wörterbuch-Abfrage: Einfach jetzt tippen!
Übersetzung für 'RA' von Englisch nach Deutsch
- rain <r, RA>
- Regen {m} [Regenwetter]aviat.meteo.
- radium <Ra>
- Radium {n} <Ra>chem.
- Ta-ra! [N. Engl.] [coll.]
- Auf Wiedersehen!
- degree Rankine <°R, °Ra>
- Grad {m} {n} Rankine <°R, °Ra>unit
- rapid assessment <RA>
- Rapid Assessment {n} <RA> [HTA-Bericht im Schnellverfahren]med.QM
- Rayleigh number <Ra>
- Rayleigh-Zahl {f} <Ra>phys.unit
- reactive arthritis <RA>
- reaktive Arthritis {f} <RA>med.
- registration authority <RA> [body given the responsibility of maintaining lists of codes under international standards]
- Registrierungsstelle {f} [eine Instanz innerhalb einer Sicherheitsinfrastruktur]comp.QM
- relative anisotropy <RA>
- relative Anisotropie {f} <RA>MedTech.phys.
- remote access <RA>
- Remote Access {m} <RA>comp.
- remuneration agreement <RA>
- Vergütungsvereinbarung {f} <VV>law
- renal amyloidosis <RA>
- Nierenamyloidose {f} <NA>med.
- renal artery <RA> [Arteria renalis]
- Nierenarterie {f}anat.
- representative assembly <RA>
- Repräsentativversammlung {f} <RV>admin.educ.pol.
- requirements analysis <RA>
- Erhebung {f} der Anforderungencomp.econ.
Anforderungserhebung {f}comp.econ.QM
Erheben {n} der Anforderungencomp.econ.QM
Anforderungsanalyse {f} <AA>econ.QMtech.
- resident assistant <RA> [Am.]
- [Student, der im Wohnheim Hausmeisterpflichten versieht]
- respiratory acidosis <RA>
- respiratorische Azidose {f} <RA>med.
- responsibility agreement <RA>
- Zuständigkeitsvereinbarung {f}
- retinal artery <RA> [Arteria retinae]
- Netzhautarterie {f}anat.
- rheumatoid arthritis <RA>
- Gelenkrheumatismus {m}med.
Rheumatoidarthritis {f} <RA>med.
rheumatoide Arthritis {f} <RA>med.
- right ascension <RA, α>
- Rektaszension {f} <α, a>astron.
- right atrium <RA> [Atrium dextrum]
- rechter Vorhof {m} <RA> [Herz]anat.
rechtes Atrium {n} <RA> [Herz]anat.
- risk analysis <RA>
- Risikoanalyse {f} <RA>QM
- risk appetite <RA>
- Risikoneigung {f} [Risikomanagement]econ.fin.QM
Risikobereitschaft {f} [Risikomanagement]econ.fin.QM
- risk appetite <RA> [risk management]
- Risikoappetit {m} <RA> [Risikomanagement]econ.fin.QM
- risk assessment <RA>
- Risikomessung {f} <RM> [seltener für: Risikoabschätzung, Risikobeurteilung]fin.
- risk assessment <RA> [risk analysis + risk evaluation]
- Risikobeurteilung {f} <RB> [Risikoanalyse + Risikobewertung]QM
- rosmarinic acid <RA>
- Rosmarinsäure {f} [fachspr.: Phenylacrylsäure]chem.
- rotation angiography <RA>
- Rotationsangiographie {f} <RA>MedTech.
- rotational angiography <RA>
- Rotationsangiografie {f} <RA>MedTech.
- roughness average <Ra>
- Mittenrauwert {m} <Ra>
- 491.67 degrees Rankine <°R, °Ra>
- 491,67 Grad {pl} Rankine <°R, °Ra>unit
- Eye of Ra
- Auge {n} des Re
- three-dimensional rotational angiography <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>
- dreidimensionale Rotationsangiographie {f} <3D-RA, 3D RA, 3DRA>MedTech.
- close doors/right away indicators <CD/RA> [Br.]
- Anzeigen {pl} für Türenschließen und Abfahrtrail
- Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA> = lawyer
- Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA> = attorney <att. / atty.>
- Rechtsanwalt {m} <RA> [bei oberen Gerichten] = barrister <bar.> [Br.]
alle anzeigen ...Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- "Ra Ra Riot" is the self-titled EP and debut release of the Syracuse-based indie rock band Ra Ra Riot.
- In an epilogue, Ra's moves his base of operations to Gotham City.
- Values of RA+ above 100 indicate better-than-average pitching performance.
- crrruah..rrah.rah.ra.ra.ra-ra-ra-r-r-r-r" which starts with purrs that are similar to those of the European turtle dove and then becomes a series of stuttering notes before fading.
- The George Washington National Forest includes six Recreation Areas within the Potomac Highlands’ Ridge and Valley region: Brandywine RA, Camp Run RA, Rock Cliff RA, Shenandoah Mountain RA, Trout Pond RA, and Wolf Gap RA.
- Chusid oversees the catalog of the late Afrofuturist artist/composer/bandleader Sun Ra and administers Ra's music rights on behalf of the artist's heirs.
- A romantic-comedy about an energetic and cheerful pianist named Goo Ra-ra.
- Yoon married former professional tennis player Jeon Mi-ra in 2006.
- "México, México, ra, ra, ra" is a 1975 Mexican film. It was directed by Gustavo Alatriste.
- The concert organised by the Indian Cultural Society (ICS) has been named 'Bolo Ta Ra Ra Ra' in honour of Daler Mehndi's globally popular track by the same name.
- A study showed 582 patients with RA and 603 subjects without RA were followed for a mean of 16.4 and 19.3 years, respectively.
- "One" was only sold (for $10) during Ra's concerts, and soon went out of circulation when Ra's debut album "From One" hit stores.
- She has four elder brothers; Prince Zeid bin Ra'ad, Prince Mired bin Ra'ad, Prince Firas bin Ra'ad and Prince Faisal bin Ra'ad.
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