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- Renin-Angiotensin-Aldosteron-System {n} <RAAS> = renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system <RAAS>
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- Dandiya Raas is a romantic, very energetic, colourful, and playful dance originating in the state of Gujarat.
- Gujarati Hindus are the second largest linguistic/religious group in Canada's Indian community after Punjabi Sikhs, and Toronto is home to the largest Navratri raas garba festival in North America.
- To participate in this divine "raas", Lord Shiva has taken the form of Gopeshwar Mahadev.
- Raas or Dandiya Raas is the socio-religious folk dance originating from Indian state of Gujarat and popularly performed in the festival of Navaratri.
- Urdu drama evolved from the prevailing dramatic traditions of North India raas as practiced by exponents like Nawab Wajid Ali Shah of Awadh.
- Virtually every person on the island is involved in the three-day long "raas" festival, depicting the life of Krishna.
- His father also prepared Mohammed Burhanuddin to take up the responsibilities of a Da'i al-Mutlaq and appointed him as the raas ul hudood (a position of esteem in Dawoodi Bohra sect).
- Some believe it evolved from Lord Krishna's raas lilas, forms of which have also evolved into the popular Garba-style dances popular in other parts of region and Gujarat.
- Nevertheless, dhol music still figures in the studio recordings of present-day raas, garba and bhangra music artists.
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