 Übersetzung für 'Rabbit-Proof' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Rabbit-Proof Fence [Aus.] kaninchensicherer Zaun {m} [Schutzzaun in Westaustralien]
Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence [Doris Pilkington Garimara]
Long Walk Home
Rabbit-Proof Fence [Phillip Noyce]
Long Walk Home
3 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "The Incredible Journey", with its sympathetic appreciation of the point of view of two aboriginal women, Iliapo and Polde, who traverse hundreds of kilometres of desert country to rescue a boy who has been kidnapped by a white man, a similar theme to Doris Pilkington Garimara's "Follow the Rabbit-Proof Fence" (1996) and its 2002 film adaptation Rabbit-Proof Fence by Phillip Noyce.
  • 1 Rabbit Proof Fence was completed in 1907. When completed it was the longest line of unbroken fence in the world.
  • Their music has been featured in Hollywood films such as "Gangs of New York" and "The Incredible Hulk", and have worked with Peter Gabriel on the soundtrack to the film "Rabbit-Proof Fence".
  • As a result, joint recording sessions at Real World Studios with other musicians led to material from the band being subsequently used by Peter Gabriel on his album "Long Walk Home"- music from the "Rabbit-Proof Fence", the soundtrack to the film of the same name.
  • The Murchison Murders were a series of three murders, committed by an itinerant stockman known as "Snowy" Rowles (born John Thomas Smith), near the rabbit-proof fence in Western Australia during the early 1930s.

  • The rabbit-proof fence or pest-exclusion fence is one that crosses the state of Western Australia from north to south.
  • In 1901 the rabbit proof fence was constructed just to the east of Narembeen, and can still be seen today.
  • Neville has been portrayed in artistic works as the public face of this policy in the 2002 film "Rabbit Proof Fence" (played by Kenneth Branagh), and in Jack Davis' 1985 play, "No Sugar".
  • Walkabout" (1971), "Backroads" (1977), and "Rabbit-Proof Fence" (2002) use a depiction of travelling through the Australian outback to address the issue of relations between white and Indigenous people.
  • Proposed Australian laws on Internet censorship are sometimes referred to as the Great Firewall of Australia, Rabbit Proof Firewall (a reference to the Australian Rabbit-proof fence), Firewall Australia or Great Firewall Reef (a reference to Great Barrier Reef and the Great Firewall of China).

  • Sampi starred in the 2002 film "Rabbit-Proof Fence", as child of the stolen generation Molly Craig.
  • "(Oryctolagus cuniculus)" || 1857 || Recreational hunting || Europe || Throughout Australia (extensive) || Extreme || 200 million + || Rabbit-proof fence; Myxomatosis; Calicivirus (RHD) || Prolific breeders that destroy land.
  • One orangutan died in 2003 of tularemia, an infectious disease carried by rabbits and some rodents but sometimes found in humans and primates.
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