 Übersetzung für 'Rapid Fire' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   rapid-fire | more rapid-fire | most rapid-fire
rapid fire
Schnellfeuer {n}
3 Wörter
rapid fire gun
Schnellfeuergeschütz {n}
rapid-fire weapon
Schnellfeuerwaffe {f}
4 Wörter
Olympic rapid fire pistol
olympische Schnellfeuerpistole {f}
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Rapid Fire [Dwight H. Little]
Rapid Fire – Unbewaffnet und extrem gefährlich
direct-supporting fire <DS fire>
unmittelbare Feuerunterstützung {f} <UF>
rapid {adj}speditiv [schweiz.]
rapid {adj}Schnell-
rapid {adj}zügig
rapid {adj}rapid [bes. österr.: rapide]
Stromschnelle {f}
rapid {adj}schnell
rapid {adj}prompt
rapid {adj}rasant [ugs.]
rapid {adj}stürmisch [Entwicklung, Wachstum]
rapid {adj}rapide
rapid {adj}rasch
rapid streamreißender Fluss {m}
rapid recoveryschnelle Erholung {f}
rapid {adj} [rash]überstürzt
rapid determinationSchnellbestimmung {f}
rapid fillingSchnellbefüllung {f}
rapid recurrenceschnelle Wiederkehr {f}
rapid developmentschnelle Entwicklung {f}
rapid progressionschnelles Vorankommen {n}
25 Übersetzungen
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  • Rapid Fire – Unbewaffnet und extrem gefährlich = Rapid Fire [Dwight H. Little]
  • Rapid-Technologie {f} <RT> = rapid technology <RT>
  • Friendly Fire {n} [Eigenbeschuss] = friendly fire
  • Operation Wild Fire = Wild Fire [Nelson DeMille]
  • Rapid-Prototyping-Technologie {f} = rapid prototyping technology
  • Fire-and-Forget-Flugkörper {m} = fire-and-forget missile
  • Rapid Tooling {n} [schneller Werkzeugbau] = rapid tooling
  • rapid [bes. österr.: rapide] = rapid
  • Rapid Shallow Breathing Index {m} <RSBI> = rapid shallow breathing index <RSBI>
  • Salt and Fire [Werner Herzog] = Salt and Fire
  • Rapid Assessment {n} <RA> [HTA-Bericht im Schnellverfahren] = rapid assessment <RA>
  • St. Elmo's Fire - Die Leidenschaft brennt tief = St. Elmo's Fire [Joel Schumacher]
  • In the Line of Fire – Die zweite Chance = In the Line of Fire [Wolfgang Petersen]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Light rapid-fire anti-aircraft weapons such as the 20 mm Oerlikon autocannons were still useful though the 40 mm Bofors was preferred, and though their high rate of fire and quick training remained advantageous, they lacked the punch to take down a kamikaze bearing down on the ship they defended.
  • These systems are used for special hazards where rapid fire spread is a concern as they provide a simultaneous application of water over the entire hazard.
  • The first was a lack of adequate topside armor to counter the effects of rapid-fire intermediate-caliber guns and high-explosive shells.
  • One of the best-known early rapid-fire firearms, the Gatling gun saw occasional use by the Union forces during the American Civil War, which was the first time it was employed in combat.
  • Research has shown that one of the medal events in the IOC database (25m rapid fire pistol, also called military pistol cat. ...

  • If this cannot be achieved in time, the missiles themselves can be targeted by the fighters's own weapons systems, usually their air-to-air missiles, but "in extremis", by their rapid-fire cannon.
  • The game is played with a trackball and a single fire button which can be held down for rapid-fire.
  • The host uses a buzzer to signal the end of a game, or of individual sections in the rapid-fire games.
  • The series has also been praised for Sorkin's rapid-fire and witty scripts.The series had a budget of $2.7 million per episode.
  • Custer's decision to reject Terry's offer of the rapid-fire Gatlings has raised questions among historians as to why he refused them and what advantage their availability might have conferred on his forces at the Battle of the Little Bighorn.

  • According to Judd Apatow, the eclectic performer's rapid-fire improvisational style was an inspiration as well as an influence for other comedians, but his talent was so extremely unusual no one else could possibly attempt to copy it.
  • This potential role reflected defense planner expectations that the railguns of the future would be capable of not only rapid fire, but also of multiple firings (on the order of tens to hundreds of shots).
  • The broadcast featured the brand-new EyeVision instant-replay system, which provided rapid-fire sequential shots from a series of cameras positioned around the top of the stadium.
  • The M1 Garand was a semi-automatic rapid-fire rifle developed for modern warfare use in World War II.
  • The game controller is virtually identical to a DUO-RX controller, but the rapid fire switches have been replaced with mode A/B switches.

  • While watching a preview tape of highlights from Enfield's programme, Whitehouse and Higson were inspired to create a rapid-fire delivery comedy series which would evolve into "The Fast Show" (when shown in the United States on BBC America, the show was titled "Brilliant").
  • Technological improvements meant that rapid fire guns could be made larger, so the "Braunschweig" class had a main armament of [...] guns.
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