 Übersetzung für 'Responsibility to Protect' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Responsibility to Protect <R2P>
Schutzverantwortung {f}
measures to protect trade
handelspolitische Schutzmaßnahmen {pl}
measures to protect the environment
Umweltschutzmaßnahmen {pl}
Committee to Protect Journalists <CPJ>Komitee {n} zum Schutz von Journalisten
(in order) to protect sth. legally {adv}
zur rechtlichen Absicherung von etw.
to protect the lead to the end [football]
die Führung über die Zeit bringen [ugs.]
willingness to take responsibilityVerantwortungs­bereitschaft {f}
readiness to take responsibilityVerantwortungs­bereitschaft {f}
to pass responsibility to sb.jdm. die Verantwortung zuschieben
willing to accept responsibility {adj} [postpos.]verantwortungs­freudig
legal responsibility to care for sb.
Aufsichtspflicht {f}
It is the responsibility of sb. (... to do sth.) Es liegt in der Verantwortung jds. (..., etw. zu tun).
Someone has to be the bloodhound. I shall not shirk the responsibility.
Einer muss der Bluthund werden, ich scheue die Verantwortung nicht. [Gustav Noske]
protectSchutz {m}
to protectprotegieren [schützen]
to protectsichern
to protectabsichern [z. B. durch eine Versicherung]
to protect customersKunden schützen
protect switch
Schutzschalter {m}
to protect sth.etw. schonen [vor etw. schützen]
write protectSchreibschutz {m}
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Shouldering the responsibility to protect the bride, bridesmaids were dressed up like the bride to lower the risk that she might be identified and taken.
  • In 2005, Annan included the doctrine of "Responsibility to Protect" (RtoP) in his report "In Larger Freedom".
  • Many states have developed humanitarian programs under the concept of the responsibility to protect.
  • Recent texts have offered a liberal perspective on issues ranging from freedom of belief to the responsibility to protect.
  • Responsibility to protect refers to a doctrine for United Nations member states to intervene to protect populations from atrocities.

  • Sustainability is the core value because it supports a strategic vision of firms in the long term by integrating economic profits with the responsibility to protect the whole environment.
  • US news outlets treated the stories as a "threat" to "drill a park" reflecting a previously dominant view that NGOs and governments had the primary responsibility to protect ecosystems.
  • This sits alongside the party's belief that adults should be free to make informed decisions about their own drug consumption, while this freedom is also balanced with the government's responsibility to protect individuals and society from harm.
  • UN Security Council Resolution 1674, adopted by the United Nations Security Council on 28 April 2006, "reaffirms the provisions of paragraphs 138 and 139 of the 2005 World Summit Outcome Document regarding the responsibility to protect populations from genocide, war crimes, ethnic cleansing and crimes against humanity".
  • Stewardship of creation: The world's goods are available for humanity to use only under a "social mortgage" which carries with it the responsibility to protect the environment.

  • It implies that there is a social responsibility to protect the public from exposure to such harm, when scientific investigation has found a plausible risk.
  • The survey also found that 90 percent of local residents believed their county has a responsibility to protect Chancellorsville and other historic resources.
  • In a March 2000 report on United Nations reform priorities, former UN Secretary-General Kofi Annan favored international humanitarian intervention as the responsibility to protect citizens from ethnic cleansing, genocide, and crimes against humanity.
  • NSA has the responsibility to protect the command and control systems for nuclear forces.
  • The NIS' responsibility to protect networks against cyber threats has become increasingly more important following the 2009 and 2011 cyber attacks.

  • In that crucible lies the genesis of the Responsibility to protect (R2P) doctrine.
  • However, this responsibility to protect refers only to the ability of external powers to override sovereignty and does not explicitly involve the changing of borders.
  • The number of Jirels is now less because they had responsibility to protect the other younger brothers from the attackers.
  • Tokugawa physicians expanded their regard for the body to a responsibility to protect the wellness of the body as a shared logic of nature.
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