 Übersetzung für 'S Bahn' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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S-Bahn® {f} [histor. Markenname]
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]auf seine Sprache achten
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom] (äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]auf sein Auftreten achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. sehr in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. anständig benehmen
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom]pingelig genau auf die Formen achten
Geard's hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum gerardii, syn.: B. jacquinianum]
Südliches Hasenohr {n}
Geard's hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum gerardii, syn.: B. jacquinianum]
Jacquins Hasenohr {n}
A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures [Ben Stassen]
Sammys Abenteuer – Die Suche nach der geheimen Passage
ungeprüft in a man's / gentleman's company {prep} {adv}in Herrenbegleitung [geh.]
to fall in love with one's sister's boyfriendsich in den Freund seiner Schwester verlieben
Wells's / Well's wagtail [Motacilla capensis (subsp.) wellsi]
Wells Kapstelze {f}
to worm one's way into sb.'s affection [idiom]sichAkk. bei jdm. einschmeicheln
to force one's ideas down sb.'s throat [idiom]jdm. seine eigenen Ideen aufzwingen
(penalty) points on one's (driver's) licence [Br.]
Punkte {pl} in Flensburg [Strafpunkte beim KBA]
to have sb.'s death on one's conscience [idiom]jdn. auf dem Gewissen haben [Redewendung]
He's not rich, it's true, but still!Er ist zwar nicht reich, aber immerhin!
to be the proof of sb.'s / sth.'s inadequacyein Armutszeugnis für jdn./etw. sein
to take the Queen's / King's shilling [Br.] [obs.]
den bunten Rock anziehen [veraltet] [zum Militär gehen]
It's all in the day's work. [idiom]Das ist nichts Besonderes.
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'S Bahn' von Englisch nach Deutsch

S-Bahn® {f} [histor. Markenname]rail

to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]
auf seine Sprache achten
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom]
(äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]
auf sein Auftreten achten

sichAkk. sehr in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]

sichAkk. anständig benehmen
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom]
pingelig genau auf die Formen achten
Geard's hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum gerardii, syn.: B. jacquinianum]
Südliches Hasenohr {n}bot.T

Jacquins Hasenohr {n}bot.T
A Turtle's Tale: Sammy's Adventures [Ben Stassen]
Sammys Abenteuer – Die Suche nach der geheimen PassagefilmF
in a man's / gentleman's company {prep} {adv}
ungeprüft in Herrenbegleitung [geh.]
to fall in love with one's sister's boyfriend
sich in den Freund seiner Schwester verlieben
Wells's / Well's wagtail [Motacilla capensis (subsp.) wellsi]
Wells Kapstelze {f}orn.T
to worm one's way into sb.'s affection [idiom]
sichAkk. bei jdm. einschmeicheln
to force one's ideas down sb.'s throat [idiom]
jdm. seine eigenen Ideen aufzwingen
(penalty) points on one's (driver's) licence [Br.]
Punkte {pl} in Flensburg [Strafpunkte beim KBA]automot.
to have sb.'s death on one's conscience [idiom]
jdn. auf dem Gewissen haben [Redewendung]
He's not rich, it's true, but still!
Er ist zwar nicht reich, aber immerhin!
to be the proof of sb.'s / sth.'s inadequacy
ein Armutszeugnis für jdn./etw. sein
to take the Queen's / King's shilling [Br.] [obs.]
den bunten Rock anziehen [veraltet] [zum Militär gehen]idiommil.
It's all in the day's work. [idiom]
Das ist nichts Besonderes.
  • S-Bahn {f} = suburban train
  • S-Bahn {f} = commuter train
  • S-Bahn {f} [Stadtbahn, Schnellbahn] = city train
  • S-Bahn-Tunnel {m} = tram tunnel [Br.]
  • S-Bahn-Tunnel {m} = streetcar tunnel [Am.]
  • S-Bahn-Surfen {n} = train surfing
  • S-Bahn {f} [Stadtbahn, Schnellbahn] = urban train
  • S-Bahn {f} [Stadtbahn, Schnellbahn] = city railway
  • S-Bahn {f} [Stadtbahn, Schnellbahn] = urban railway [Br.]
  • S-Bahn ® {f} [histor. Markenname] = S-Bahn ®
  • Wie man's macht, ists / ist's falsch. [ugs.] = It's a no-win situation.
  • Pack mer's. [südd.] / Pack ma's. [österr.] [ugs.] = Let's get the / this show on the road. [sl.]
  • S.O.S. Feuer an Bord = Only Angels Have Wings [Howard Hawks]
  • Unser Leben währet siebzig Jahre, und wenn's hoch kommt, so sind's achtzig Jahre. [Psalm 90,10; Luther 1984] = The days of our years are threescore years and ten; and if by reason of strength they be fourscore years. [Psalm 90:10; KJV]
  • S.O.S. – Charterboot = Riptide [Australian series]
  • Qualität und Sicherheit <Q&S, Q & S> = quality and safety <Q&S>
  • Schwarz-Weiß-Schwarz-Reaktionszeiten {pl} <S-W-S> = black-to-white-to-black response times <BWB>
  • Portlandhüttenzement {m} <CEM II/A-S + CEM II/B-S> [früher Eisenportlandzement genannt] = Portland blast furnace (slag) cement <PBFC>
  • Irrtümer und Auslassungen vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] = Errors and omissions excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE>
  • Irrtum und Auslassung vorbehalten. <s. e. e. o., s. e. et o., S. E. & O.> [salvo errore et omissione] = Error and omission excepted / excluded. <E.&O.E., E&OE>
  • Sample-and-Hold-Schaltung {f} <S & H-Schaltung, S-&-H-Schaltung, S/H-Schaltung> = sample-and-hold circuit <S/H circuit, S&H circuit>
  • Spitze-Spitze <ss, s-s> [Spannung] = peak-to-peak <pp, p-p> [voltage]
  • Spitze-Spitze <ss, s-s> [Spannung] = peak-peak <pp, p-p> [voltage]
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The S-Bahn lines S8 and S9 (direction "Offenbach Ost" or "Hanau Hbf") departing at the regional station take 10–15 minutes from the airport to Frankfurt Central Station and onwards to Hauptwache station downtown), the IC and ICE trains departing at the long-distance station take 10 minutes to Frankfurt Central Station.
  • The city is served by Munich S-Bahn (S2) and Deutsche Bahn via Dachau railway station located in the South of the town.
  • ... S-Bahn in the Ruhr area of Germany). Distances between stations may vary, but are usually much longer than those of urban rail systems.
  • The city's central station, Hannover Hauptbahnhof, is a hub of the German high-speed ICE network.
  • The Cologne Stadtbahn operated by Kölner Verkehrsbetriebe (KVB) is an extensive light rail system that is partially underground and serves Cologne and a number of neighbouring cities.

  • Basel Badischer Bahnhof is on the opposite side of the city.
  • The city has connections via autobahn A6 and highways B13 and B14.
  • Opened in 1915, Leipzig Hauptbahnhof (lit. "main station") is the largest overhead railway station in Europe in terms of its built-up area.
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