 Übersetzung für 'S adenosyl methionine' von Englisch nach Deutsch
S-adenosyl methionine <SAM>
S-Adenosylmethionin {n} <SAM>
S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine <SAH>
S-Adenosyl-L-Homocystein {n} <SAH>
methionine residue
Methioninrest {m}
methionine synthase <MS>
Methioninsynthase {f} <MS>
methionine <Met, M> [C5H11NO2S]
Methionin {n} <Met, M>
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]auf seine Sprache achten
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom] (äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom]pingelig genau auf die Formen achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. sehr in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]auf sein Auftreten achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]sichAkk. anständig benehmen
Geard's hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum gerardii, syn.: B. jacquinianum]
Südliches Hasenohr {n}
Geard's hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum gerardii, syn.: B. jacquinianum]
Jacquins Hasenohr {n}
That's the God's truth! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]Das ist die reine Wahrheit!
It's all in the day's work. [idiom]Das ist nichts Besonderes.
to have sb.'s death on one's conscience [idiom]jdn. auf dem Gewissen haben [Redewendung]
Wells's / Well's wagtail [Motacilla capensis (subsp.) wellsi]
Wells Kapstelze {f}
to be the proof of sb.'s / sth.'s inadequacyein Armutszeugnis für jdn./etw. sein
to have sb.'s blood on one's hands [idiom] jds. Blut an seinen Händen kleben haben [Redewendung]
to fall in love with one's sister's boyfriendsich in den Freund seiner Schwester verlieben
to be the proof of sb.'s / sth.'s shortcomings­ein Armutszeugnis für jdn./etw. sein
21 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'S adenosyl methionine' von Englisch nach Deutsch

S-adenosyl methionine <SAM>
S-Adenosylmethionin {n} <SAM>biochem.

S-Adenosyl-L-homocysteine <SAH>
S-Adenosyl-L-Homocystein {n} <SAH>biochem.
methionine residue
Methioninrest {m}biochem.
methionine synthase <MS>
Methioninsynthase {f} <MS>biochem.
methionine <Met, M> [C5H11NO2S]
Methionin {n} <Met, M>biochem.
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom] [while speaking]
auf seine Sprache achten
to dot the / one's i's and cross the / one's t's [coll.] [idiom]
(äußerst) pingelig sein [ugs.] [alles bis aufs i-Tüpfelchen genau machen]
to mind one's p's and q's [idiom]
pingelig genau auf die Formen achten
to mind one's P's and Q's [idiom]
sichAkk. sehr in Acht nehmen [Redewendung]

auf sein Auftreten achten

sichAkk. anständig benehmen
Geard's hare's-ear / hare's ear [Bupleurum gerardii, syn.: B. jacquinianum]
Südliches Hasenohr {n}bot.T

Jacquins Hasenohr {n}bot.T
That's the God's truth! [Am.] [coll.] [idiom]
Das ist die reine Wahrheit!
It's all in the day's work. [idiom]
Das ist nichts Besonderes.
to have sb.'s death on one's conscience [idiom]
jdn. auf dem Gewissen haben [Redewendung]
Wells's / Well's wagtail [Motacilla capensis (subsp.) wellsi]
Wells Kapstelze {f}orn.T
to be the proof of sb.'s / sth.'s inadequacy
ein Armutszeugnis für jdn./etw. sein
to have sb.'s blood on one's hands [idiom]
jds. Blut an seinen Händen kleben haben [Redewendung]
to fall in love with one's sister's boyfriend
sich in den Freund seiner Schwester verlieben
to be the proof of sb.'s / sth.'s shortcomings­
ein Armutszeugnis für jdn./etw. sein
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • All the known DNA methyltransferases use S-adenosyl methionine (SAM) as the methyl donor.
  • Dimethyltryptamine (DMT) is formed from tryptamine by methylation with the participation of coenzyme of S-adenosyl methionine (SAM).
  • Recent work has revealed the methyltransferases involved in methylation of naturally occurring anticancer agents to use S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) analogs that carry alternative alkyl groups as a replacement for methyl.
  • Pentavalent arsenic tends to be reduced to trivalent arsenic and trivalent arsenic tends to proceed via oxidative methylation in which the trivalent arsenic is made into mono, di and trimethylated products by methyltransferases and an S-adenosyl-methionine methyl donating cofactor.
  • No known spermidine synthase can use "S"-adenosyl methionine.

  • The transfer of methyl groups from S-adenosyl methionine to histones is catalyzed by enzymes known as histone methyltransferases.
  • The methylation of the 5 position is accomplished by NovU and S-adenosyl methionine (SAM).
  • Examples include ddhCTP (3ʹ-deoxy-3′,4ʹdidehydro-CTP) produced by the human antiviral protein viperin and sinefungin (a S-Adenosyl methionine analogue) produced by some "Streptomyces".
  • Methylation of the amine and hydroxyl substituents are facilitated by "S"-adenosyl methionine (SAM).
  • Thereafter the enzyme spermidine synthase effects two N-alkylation by decarboxy-S-Adenosyl methionine.

  • A third hydroxylation by the enzyme psoralen 8-monooxygenase yields xanthotoxol which is followed by a methylation via the enzyme xanthotoxol O-methyltransferase and S-adenosyl methionine to yield methoxsalen.
  • Each MetJ dimer contains two binding sites for the cofactor S-Adenosyl methionine (SAM) which is a product in the biosynthesis of methionine.
  • The benzophenone intermediate is then methylated via "S"-adenosyl methionine (SAM) twice to yield griseophenone C.
  • Another pathway, mainly operative in the liver involves methylation of phosphatidylethanolamine with "S"-adenosyl methionine (SAM) being the methyl group donor.
  • A few high-quality studies of "Boswellia serrata" show consistent, but small, improvements in pain and function. Curcumin, phytodolor, and s-adenosyl methionine (SAMe) rose hip, or vitamin D.

  • RNA binding affinity is reduced by the presence of ATP or GTP and enhanced by S-adenosyl methionine.
  • Mercury irreversibly inhibits selenium-dependent enzymes (see below) and may also inactivate "S"-adenosyl-methionine, which is necessary for catecholamine catabolism by catechol-"O"-methyl transferase.
  • Silymarin has been investigated as a possible treatment, with ambiguous results. One review claimed benefit for S-adenosyl methionine in disease models.
  • -methionine:jasmonic acid carboxyl methyltransferase.
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