 Übersetzung für 'S mine' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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NOUN   an S-mine | S-mines
It's mine.Es gehört mir.
That's mine. Das ist mir. [ugs.] [regional, z. B. Rheinland-Pfalz, Nordrhein-Westfalen] [Das gehört mir. oder Das ist meins.]
Schrapnellmine {f} <S-Mine>
3 Wörter
It's all mine.Das ist alles meins!
5+ Wörter
He's no friend of mine.Er ist nicht mein Freund.
I'm gonna take what's mine. [Am.] [coll.]Ich werde mir nehmen, was mir gehört.
She's a friend of mine.Sie ist eine Bekannte von mir.
That's no concern of mine.Das geht mich nichts an.
Fiktion (Literatur und Film)
Take Her, She's Mine [Henry Koster]
In Liebe eine 1
Mine {f} [Sprengkörper]
mine {pron}der meinige
mine {pron}der meine
mine {pron}meiner
mine {pron}mein [poetisch / veraltet]
Grube {f}
Untertagebau {m} [Grube]
mine {pron}der Meine
to mine
mine {pron}der Meinige
Bergwerk {n}
Mine {f} [Bergwerk]
graphite mine
Graphitmine {f} [auch: Graphit-Mine]
lead mine
Bleimine {f}
slate mine
Schiefer-Steinbruch {m}
coal mine
Steinkohlenbergwerk {n}
cobalt mine
Kobaltmine {f}
mine air
Wetter {n} [Grubenluft]
graphite mine
Graphitbergwerk {n}
mine collapse
Stolleneinbruch {m}
29 Übersetzungen
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  • Schrapnellmine {f} <S-Mine> = S-mine
  • Schrapnellmine {f} <S-Mine> = Bouncing Betty [coll.] [nickname of bounding anti-personnel mines]
  • Mine {f} = pit [Br.] [mine]
  • Mine {f} = mina [ancient monetary unit or unit of weight]
  • Mine {f} [Bleistift] = lead [pencil]
  • Ocker-Mine {f} = ochre pit
  • entschärfte Mine {f} = disarmed mine
  • stillgelegte Mine {f} = disused mine
  • Antipersonen-Mine {f} = anti-personnel mine <AP>
  • Mine {f} [Sprengkörper] = mine
  • Mine {f} [Druckbleistift] = pencil lead
  • Mine {f} [Bergwerk] = mine
  • Mine {f} [Kugelschreiber] = ball pen refill
  • eine Mine sprengen = to blast a mine
  • eine Mine räumen = to remove a mine
  • Mine {f} [Kugelschreiber, Filzstift] = reservoir [in a pen]
  • Die Todes-Mine = The Killer Mine [Hammond Innes]
  • Mine {f} [austauschbar, Kugelschreiber] = refill [in a pen etc.]
  • Wie man's macht, ists / ist's falsch. [ugs.] = It's a no-win situation.
  • Pack mer's. [südd.] / Pack ma's. [österr.] [ugs.] = Let's get the / this show on the road. [sl.]
  • S.O.S. Feuer an Bord = Only Angels Have Wings [Howard Hawks]
  • ferngezündete Mine {f} [auch: fern gezündete] = command-detonated mine
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • "Saw Red" is a cover of a Barrington Levy song, "She's Mine".
  • When Tom Creighton discovered a high-grade exposure of copper, he thought of the book and called it Flin Flon's mine, and the town that developed around the mine adopted the name.
  • Jordan's Mine is currently the biggest mine on Portland.
  • From Itaballi the road went westward to Peter's Mine on the Puruni River.
  • She worked as an understudy in the Broadway production of "Take Her, She's Mine" in December 1961 under director George Abbott.

  • On November 29, 1917, an explosion at Old Ben Coal Corporation's Mine No. 11 killed 17 men.
  • of unclaimed land were part of Green Coal Company's mine once known as the "Panther Surface Mine".
  • An area where you can find a mining museum, theme park Children's mine for children, some restaurants and a Disc golf track that surrounds the old mining area.
  • In either late 1873 or early 1874 the No 1 Company's mine caught fire. By July 1874 the fire had broken out of the mine and attempts to put out the fire were unsuccessful.
  • ] s mine fittings were removed after the battle and both ships received flying-off platforms on top of their turrets in 1918.

  • David's mine in Bontddu and Gwynfynydd mine in Ganllwyd have supplied gold for many royal weddings.
  • Department of Labor's Mine Safety and Health Administration over the death of a miner.
  • He accepted that Munro's aircraft had sustained significant damage and Rice's mine had fallen off.
  • Cambodia's mine and ERW problem still represents a major impediment to the social and economic development of the country.
  • As an interesting detail of touristic interest, it appears that one of the oldest inscriptions ever found in European mines has been uncovered in Voievod Gallery belonging to the former town's mine.

  • In 1961–62, Carney played Frank Michaelson in an English comedy by Phoebe & Henry Ephron titled "Take Her, She's Mine" with Phyllis Thaxter as his co-star in the Biltmore Theatre in New York; the character was played by James Stewart in the 1963 film version.
  • The Hastings Mine and St. John's Mine contribute ongoing water contamination for mercury; furthermore, mine shaft development has depleted much of this area's spring water.
  • Sorel's early career was on the stage; she spent several years on Broadway, playing roles in "Take Her, She's Mine" and "Man and Boy".
  • The settlement would guarantee water rights for the tribe; provide water for Freeport's mine in Bagdad, Arizona; and give the state of Arizona rights to a property area that would be used for a conservation program for several species.
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