 Übersetzung für 'S shaped' von Englisch nach Deutsch
S-shaped {adj}S-förmig [auch: s-förmig]
3 Wörter
S-shaped trap [plumbing]
Geruchsverschluss {m} [Siphon, S-förmiges Rohr]
4 Wörter
V-shaped Cupid's bow
V-förmige Kupidoschwinge {f}
eight-shaped {adj} <8-shaped>achtförmig <8-förmig>
shaped {adj} {past-p}ausgestaltet
-shaped {adj} {suffix}-förmig
shaped {adj} {past-p}gebildet [geformt]
shaped {adj} {past-p}gestaltet
shaped {adj} {past-p}gefräst
shaped {adj} {past-p}geprägt
shaped {adj} {past-p}geformt
fan-shaped {adj}fächerförmig
disc-shaped {adj}
knife-shaped {adj}messerförmig
well-shaped {adj}gutgeformt
lance-shaped {adj}lanzenförmig
capsule-shaped {adj}kapselförmig
turnip-shaped {adj}rübenförmig
beautifully shaped {adj}formschön
lancet-shaped {adj}lanzettförmig
perfectly shaped {adj}formvollendet [Vase etc.]
lozenge-shaped {adj}rautenförmig
crescent-shaped {adj}semilunar
23 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • is a short Renaissance arming sword, notable for its sturdy build and a distinctive s-shaped or figure-8 shaped guard.
  • During the retraction phase, the spine forms an S-Shaped curve, and this caused by the flexion in the upper planes and hyperextension at the lower planes and this exceed their physiological limits this phase the injuries occur to the lower cervical vertebrae.
  • 2) S-shaped negative differential resistance (S-NDR) model claims instead, that the main effect comes from the suppressor, which due to its high molecular weight/slow diffusion does not reach the bottom of the via and preferentially adsorbs at the top of the via, where it inhibits Cu plating.
  • Originally developed for growth modelling, it allows for more flexible S-shaped curves.
  • The reference point in the prospect theory inverse s-shaped graph also could lead to limitations due to it possibly being discontinuous at that point and having a geometric violation.

  • The S-shaped lines crossing the tugs are called "zülfe" and they, together with the tops of the tugs that also look to the right, signify that the winds blow from the east to the west, the traditional movement of the Ottomans.
  • The skull was perched at the end of a thick, "S"-shaped neck, and a long, heavy tail acted as a counterweight to balance out the head and torso, with the center of mass over the hips.
  • Greyhounds are defined as a tall, muscular, smooth-coated, "S-shaped" type of sighthound with a long tail and tough feet.
  • The lanes along the north side of town are believed to follow the layout of the narrow medieval fields, and are slightly S-shaped because of the way ploughs turned at each end.
  • Analysis of the cross-sectional shape of the galaxy appears to demonstrate a pronounced, S-shaped warp, rather than just a flat disk.

  • Plotting "Ex" (on the X axis) as a function of "Pe" (but on the Y axis) gives an 'S' shaped curve which is multi-valued in Pe for some values of Ex.
  • His appearance here is similar to his Golden Age look, with the addition of a single lock of hair, resembling Superman's S-shaped forelock.
  • At about 24 days past fertilization, there is a primitive S-shaped tubule heart which begins beating. The flow of fluids throughout the embryo begins at this stage.
  • The bottom bracket shell is large to accommodate removal of this S-shaped crank.
  • At Al Dabbah it resumes its northward course towards the first cataract at Aswan forming the 'S'-shaped Great Bend of the Nile mentioned by Eratosthenes.

  • If both "ρ" and "α" are nonzero, then the transformation is said to be "loxodromic". These transformations tend to move all points in S-shaped paths from one fixed point to the other.
  • The sperm whale's distinctive shape comes from its very large, block-shaped head, which can be one-quarter to one-third of the animal's length.
  • The distinctive "look" of film based photographs compared to digital images is likely due to a combination of factors, including (1) differences in spectral and tonal sensitivity (S-shaped density-to-exposure (H&D curve) with film vs.
  • This S-shaped isthmus is situated between 7° and 10° north latitude and 77° and 83° west longitude. Panama encompasses approximately [...]. It is [...] long, and between [...] wide.
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