Übersetzung für '
Saami people' von Englisch nach Deutsch
21 Übersetzungen
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
- The Nordic countries of Norway, Sweden, and Finland have established truth and reconciliation commissions to address the colonialization of the Saami people which are modelled on the Canadian commission.
- The Slavs and Saami people, who penetrated to this area in the early 12th century, could only hunt for small groups of walruses and came to the northern part of the White Sea from time to time.
- The distinction between nation and land is like the Polish people versus the land of "Poland", the Māori people versus "Aotearoa", or the Saami people versus "Sápmi" (Saamiland).
- Steen's final administration was responsible for the 1902 Land Sales Act, which limited the buying or leasing of state-owned land to fluent Norwegian speakers, barring the Saami people from the purchase of their traditional hunting and grazing grounds.
- Robert Patrick Barten Paine (April 10, 1926 – July 8, 2010) was a British-born Canadian anthropologist whose primary areas of study were the Saami people of northern Scandinavia and the Inuit, though he also published on topics as diverse as the Jewish settlers of the West Bank and the purpose of gossip.
- The plans to establish a mine at the site have met resistance from the indigenous Saami people as well as other local inhabitants and have also raised concerns in regard to dam safety, within the hydro power regulated Lule River.
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