| ADJ | Saarland | more Saarland | most Saarland |
| NOUN | Saarland | - |
ADJ positive | comparative | superlative
NOUN article.ind sg | pl
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- After World War II, the Saarland became a French protectorate.
- Vollmar was a citizen of Saarland, what came under French protectorate after World War II, and wore the Saarland colours four times, scoring four in these matches.
- The University Hospital of the Saarland (in German: Universitätsklinikum des Saarlandes or UKS) is the hospital of Saarland University in Homburg, Saarland, Germany.
- The first elections for the parliament of the Saar protectorate were held on 5 October 1947, with four parties being allowed, the Christian People's Party of Saarland (CVP), the Social Democratic Party of Saarland (SPS), the Democratic Party of Saarland (DPS) and the Communist Party of Saarland (KPS).
- The Rehlinger cabinet is the current state government of Saarland, sworn in on 25 April 2022 after Anke Rehlinger was elected as Minister-President of Saarland by the members of the Landtag of Saarland.
- The Third Kramp-Karrenbauer cabinet was the state government of Saarland between 2017 and 2018, sworn in on 17 May 2017 after Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer was elected as Minister-President of Saarland by the members of the Landtag of Saarland.
- Hans became a member of the Landtag of Saarland after the Saarland state election in 2009. On 24 November 2015, Hans was elected as chairman of the CDU Parliamentary Group in the Landtag of Saarland.
- In 1947, he was President of the Constitutional Commission and of the Legislative Assembly of the Saarland, which adopted the Constitution of Saarland.
- saarland (dotSAARLAND) is an ICANN-approved generic top level domain (TLD).
- TÜV Saarland emerged from the Pfälzischer Dampfkessel-Revisions-Verein (Palatinate Steam Boiler Auditing Association) founded in 1871 and is headquartered in Sulzbach.
- In the past, the term "Saarlandliga" has unofficially been used for what was at times the Ehrenliga Saarland, the Amateurliga Saarland and, from 1978, the Verbandsliga Saarland.
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