 Übersetzung für 'Sabaean' von Englisch nach Deutsch
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ADJ   Sabaean | - | -
NOUN   Sabaean | -
Sabaean {adj}
Sabäisch {n}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Sabaean' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Sabaean {adj}

Sabäisch {n}hist.ling.
Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • Both terms are mentioned around 40 times in pre-Islamic Sabaean inscriptions.
  • Thula is one of five towns in Yemen on the UNESCO World Heritage Tentative List. Archaeological investigation discovered Sabaean period ruins with massive stone architecture beneath the Himyarite.
  • Bani Hamdan was already a well known clan in the 1st century AD and it was mentioned in Sabaean inscriptions.
  • Qaynān was a god worshipped by the Sabaean people in pre-Islamic South Arabia.
  • Nearby Tayma was a Sabaean trading station, where Sabaean language inscriptions were found.

  • In the Late Sabaean period the ancient names of the gods are no longer mentioned and only one deity Raḥmānān is referred to.
  • The four main Sayhadic languages were: Sabaean, Minaeic (or Madhabic), Qatabanic, and Hadramitic.
  • Part IV. Himyaritic, Sabaean. This volume, first published in 1889, was edited by Joseph Derenbourg. It covers the Arabian Peninsula, particularly the Himyarite and Sabean inscriptions.
  • Yada'il Dharih I (Sabaean: ???????????????????? ???? ...
  • The Sabaean King Karib'il Watar sacked Dhubhan in his 7th century BC campaigns.

  • Archaeologists from the German Archaeological Institute have since 2005 discovered and salvaged an inscription from the Sabaean Kingdom that is over seven meters long.
  • The Temple of Awwam or "Mahram Bilqis" ("Sanctuary of the Queen of Sheba") is a Sabaean temple dedicated to the principal deity of Saba, Almaqah (frequently called "Lord of ʾAwwām"), near Ma'rib in what is now Yemen.
  • Several factors caused a significant decline of the Sabaean state and civilization by the end of the 1st millennium BC.
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