 Übersetzung für 'Sabatier' von Englisch nach Deutsch
Sabatier process
Sabatier-Prozess {m}
Sabatier reaction
Sabatier-Reaktion {f}
2 Übersetzungen
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Übersetzung für 'Sabatier' von Englisch nach Deutsch

Sabatier process
Sabatier-Prozess {m}chem.
Sabatier reaction
Sabatier-Reaktion {f}chem.
  • Sabatier-Prozess {m} = Sabatier process
  • Sabatier-Reaktion {f} = Sabatier reaction
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Anwendungsbeispiele Englisch
  • The specific epithet "sabatieri" is in honor of zoologist Armand Sabatier.
  • Paul Sabatier University ("Université Paul Sabatier", UPS, also known as Toulouse III) is a French public university, in the Academy of Toulouse.
  • In 1901 Normann heard about Paul Sabatier publishing an article, in which Sabatier stated that only with vaporizable organic compounds it is possible to bind catalytic hydrogen to fluid tar oils.
  • Marie Jean Baptiste François Sabatier (2 July 1818, Montpellier - 1 December 1891, near Lunel-Viel) was a French philanthropist, art critic and translator.
  • Catalytic resonance theory is constructed on the Sabatier principle of catalysis developed by French chemistry Paul Sabatier.

  • The methanation reactions of COx were first discovered by Paul Sabatier and Senderens in 1902.
  • Bertrand Toën (born September 17, 1973 in Millau, France) is a mathematician who works as a director of research at the Centre national de la recherche scientifique (CNRS) at the Paul Sabatier University, Toulouse, France.
  • In 1975, Bernard Reymond supported a thesis on theologian Louis Auguste Sabatier entitled "Le Procès de l'autorité dans la théologie d'Auguste Sabatier" and translated a book by Friedrich Schleiermacher.
  • The Marina affair is a French judicial and administrative affair connected with the death of Marina Sabatier in France in August 2009, at the age of 8 years, as a result of the abuse inflicted by her two parents Éric Sabatier and Virginie Darras, and at the end of a life of maltreatment suffered by the child.
  • Surplus power can also be converted into methane (sabatier process) with stockage in the natural gas network.

  • Back in 1992, Sabatier was kicked off television and both Sabatier and his wife were charged with fraud after Sabatier made allegations on air saying he knew a cure for AIDS and Cancer on the show "Si on se disait tout ?
  • Sabatier dated the manuscript to the 7th century, Kilkpatrick to the 8th century. The text was published by Paul Sabatier and J. M. Heer in 1910. It was examined by Heer and Love.
  • Born Charles Wugk in Tourcoing, Sabatier was the son of an immigrant from Saxony.
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